
Demand decent pay and learn to refuse: a recruiting expert told how to show healthy selfishness in building your career

Any person is going through the initial stage of his career. This is the period when there is a desire to prove yourself and, most importantly, I want people to take you seriously. You have to do a lot in order to succeed. Very often, young employees face the negative consequences of these efforts.

According to recruitment specialist Caitlin Geiner, sometimes it’s useful to be selfish at work. This may have several meanings. For example, do not sit at night checking work mail, or take courage and ask for a raise in salary. Sometimes you need to be selfish, and ultimately it will help in your professional life and career. There are several ways to do this.

Take a moment to disconnect

You probably will not work for a company that does not expect you to work continuously. Nowadays, when everyone is always connected with the whole world, this is a common expectation. Therefore, the best thing you can do is disconnect. If after work you feel exhausted or overloaded, disconnect your email on the phone for several hours. Disconnecting is a great way to recharge.

Extra rest

Sometimes a day off is not enough. We all need breaks from time to time. If you need a vacation, a mental health day, or perhaps even do the housework that you have put off, ask for a vacation. At work, they may very well survive without you for one or even several days.

Do not be afraid to ask for help

Do not let your ego get in the way. This is difficult, especially if you want to show your employer that you are more than capable of handling your responsibilities. We all sometimes need help. Of course, nobody wants to look as if he can’t cope with the project, or just doesn’t want to bother anyone, but the reality is that you are probably better off asking for help than falling behind or not meeting your employer's expectations.

Sometimes you need to say no

Balance is key in work and extracurricular activities. This may be the most difficult. Many are afraid to refuse to colleagues or the boss and therefore are forced to do much more than is included in their duties. But sometimes it’s worth it to show firmness and say no.

Do not forget: this is your livelihood

Salary is a complex topic and not everyone likes to discuss it. Many people believe that they should earn more, but do not talk about it. But your salary is your livelihood. It doesn't matter if you love your job or not, at the end of the month you should be paid what you have earned. If you cannot pay your bills or feel that you are not being paid properly for the work you are doing, this can only make life more stressful and you can quickly become disappointed.

More responsibilities

You are likely to end up with a promotion, or perhaps someone will leave your company and you will take on additional work. It is true that you get something in return for the extra actions that you perform.

But some organizations offer no compensation for overtime work. Therefore, demand what is appropriate for you if you were not offered immediately.

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