The success of a company is determined by many parameters, indicators for which are often highlighted in the explanations of the current state of the business. But the most important thing in explaining the successes and failures of the business lies not in the dry data, but in the living management mechanisms, which include the culture of interaction between the manager and the staff.
In recent years, a whole layer of smart leaders has emerged that use emotional intelligence in their management tactics. His tools help to more effectively hear and, if necessary, reassure employees, taking into account their interests and needs. The following tips from successful leaders will help you to master these skills and improve the atmosphere in the team.
1. Explanation of lack of career growth
One of the most common complaints that can never be dismissed by a smart boss. It is necessary to create conditions in which career advancement would be open and motivated in each case. The openness of discussions on personnel decisions will also be the right rule within the framework of what is acceptable from the point of view of corporate ethics. In such circumstances, employees will understand why they are not affected by permutations. And the most important thing is to show them the goals and opportunities for changing the situation, since much in their career growth depends on themselves.
2. Fixing emotional changes in an employee
A change in the behavior of one or another member of the collective should not pass without a trace in the eyes of the boss. You should speak frankly with an employee who has become more withdrawn, less sociable and distracted.
3. Work with employee fears
The conscientious and responsible employees who were assigned the task of carrying out a large project may well have uncertainty that they will cope. This is not a good sign, because the consequences can be sad for the company itself. Therefore, it is also important to talk with such an employee, finding out the reasons for his uncertainty. The solution could be his enthusiasm with motivation and personal support, and, possibly, reinforcement with resources, if necessary.
4. Fighting boredom and routine
A common occurrence when employees are simply bored of the same tasks and routine labor processes. They do not feel the prospects for professional development and do not really strive for them. In such cases, the leader must set them new ambitious goals with a different level of complexity. According to experts, the tactics of proposing tasks aimed at revealing new abilities and skills will yield good results.
5. Discussion of priorities
The lack of past initiative and a creative approach to the performance of their functions suggests that the employee is in crisis. It is important to discuss with him the priorities that he himself sets in his professional activities. Perhaps the problem will be solved by changing working conditions or the profile of activities within the same company.
6. Discussion of failures
Mistakes at work with obvious failures due to employee faults are common. But an intelligent leader will not follow the path of fines and other sanctions until dismissal. At least, the mere fact of making a mistake does not give grounds for such decisions. Especially if the employee himself is worried about this, which affects his work.Initially, it should be explained that true failures arise only in three cases - when a person does not try to improve himself, when he basically does not try to do anything to solve the problem, and when he simply retreats.
7. Breakdown of isolation of beginners
A strong and close-knit team with a high level of motivation has one significant drawback - it is difficult to fit into newcomers who came from teams with a different corporate culture. As a result, even an employee valuable to the company can feel like a stranger, as a result, making a decision on dismissal. The behavior of lonely isolated employees is especially evident in the lunch hours after planning meetings and the completion of working hours. In such situations, only special measures to familiarize employees with the team will help. You can make assignments for respected team members with great experience, so that they contribute to the quick and favorable entry of newcomers into an established team.
8. Improving Confidence and Motivation
From time to time, each team member loses faith in himself under the pressure of work tasks and against the background of the same daily routine with general fatigue. The situation itself leads to burnout, as a result of which the most responsible and strong personnel begin to need additional recharge.
In this case, a leader like no one else can provide psychological support by instilling faith in his subordinates. It is important to make it clear that no one is perfect and you should always rely on successes and potentials, without focusing on the negative factors that somehow have their place in the career of any person.