Today, more and more people refuse to work in the office in favor of remote employment, freelance and the development of their own startup on the Internet. This makes it possible to gain freedom and independence, manage your own time and not depend on bosses, colleagues, etc. Actually, it happened with the heroes of our today's history. In just three years, they managed to promote their blog so that it would bring more than six hundred thousand rubles a month.
Young family
So get acquainted. The heroes of our today's history are the married couple of Brittany and Kelan Klein. Young people twenty-eight years old, they bring up a little daughter Callie. Also a member of their family is a dog named Charlie.
Brittany is a teacher educated. She learned to be a teacher and began to teach immediately after graduation. In fact, the girl was quite happy with the work, because she brought a steady income. And the teaching itself was not a burden to her.
With Kelan's career, things were more complicated. He learned to be a financier, but could not find a decent job. At various times, he worked as an insurance agent, a prison overseer, and an ordinary office manager. Everywhere the guy was not happy with something: either the salary was small, then the bosses were not quite adequate, then relations with the team were not developing in the best way. It was these circumstances that made Kelan think about the possibility of opening his own business. Moreover, he heard many times how people managed to earn considerable money on the Internet.
Difficult times
Spouses Klein lived mainly at the expense of Brittany, whose work brought a steady income. However, this money was not enough in order not to deny yourself anything. Moreover, a student loan in the amount of two and a half million rubles hung over the young people with a sword of Damocles. It is scary to imagine how many more years they would have had to repay it if it were not for Kelan’s brilliant idea to create his own blog on personal finance.
The couple really knew a lot about budget planning. In their arsenal there were many life hacks about how to live happily and without needing a modest salary, and even pay a loan. Initially, Kelan hoped that the blog would bring about thirty thousand rubles a month, not more. As they say, money is not superfluous, even so small.
The first steps
Kleins started a blog called The Savvy Couple in July 2016. It should be noted that neither he nor she left their main jobs, so as not to be left without money. Kelan moonlighted as an assistant to the sheriff at night, and during the day worked as a warden in prison, while Brittany was still teaching.
The first eight months the blog did not bring a penny. Young people wrote articles, tried to promote a startup on the Internet, but there was no particular dynamics. And now, in the ninth month, finally, the blog brought its first income: three thousand rubles. Then Kelan decided to quit his main job and closely engage in the promotion of a startup.
Cardinal changes
The decision to leave the stationary work was more than conscious. Young people have taken certain measures to eliminate risk. Here are just a few points:
- They have accumulated an almost annual salary.
- Kleins have reduced living expenses in their budget to a minimum.
- Kelan had a backup plan in case the startup burned out.
- The guy found an additional source of income. He began working as a freelance digital marketing employee remotely. At the same time, it helped him learn effective marketing strategies.Plus, in the morning, he taught English using video chat.
The presence of additional sources of income allowed the guy to begin active development and promotion of the blog. Now his goal was to rescue his wife from captivity of stationary work.
Young people figured that Brittany will be able to fully switch to remote employment as soon as the blog starts to bring at least five hundred thousand a month. They reached their mark only in July 2018, that is, six months after Kelan began to actively develop a startup. It was in July that the blog brought them income of as much as six hundred thousand rubles.
New mode
Now the family works at home. They start work at five in the morning, so that after a few hours (in the region of nine to ten hours), they all go to the gym together. A work shift usually ends at three or four in the afternoon. Brittany and Kelan deliberately designed such a loose schedule to be able to devote more time to Callie's little daughter.
Income is not always stable. There are months when a blog practically does not bring a dime. And there are months when it is read very actively, therefore profitable periods, in fact, cover the time of calm.
Fulfillment of desires
Brittany admits that she always considered the teaching profession to be her vocation, but she sees her mission in becoming a good mother for her child. Accordingly, the girl is very pleased that she can engage in the education of her beloved daughter and not tearfully ask the authorities when she needs to go to the clinic with the baby or go to the sea to relax.
For Kelan, maintaining a personal blog was a real discovery. The man finally felt what it was like: not to be under the yoke of his superiors and become his own master. This story of a young couple should be a source of inspiration for all aspiring entrepreneurs.