
First you need to introduce a partner to your bosses: how to properly introduce your spouse to colleagues

If you start working in a new place, meeting and meeting new colleagues can be a real problem. Introducing your spouse to them is a whole event from the category “easier said than done”. However, do not panic. There are some tips that are useful to those who plan to introduce their spouse to colleagues or boss.

Be honest with your partner

Before introducing a spouse to colleagues, think about what he needs to know. Advance in advance about what might upset your colleagues. This will avoid many awkward moments and create a pleasant impression. Of course, you should not go into details and talk about the taste preferences of each colleague, but the general points are still worth mentioning.

That's why you should not introduce your spouse to your colleagues as soon as you get a new job. Try to get to know them first.

Do not make it an evening event

In order not to create unnecessary psychological pressure on the partner, you should not gather people just to introduce your spouse. Ideally, you need to introduce him to colleagues and superiors in any other, more convenient, case. Then the environment for dating will be more relaxed, and your spouse will not become too nervous.

Indicate the status of your relationship

If you recently started dating, then most likely you have not had time to register an official marriage, and therefore remain for each other a “boyfriend” and a “girl”. You should discuss the status of your relationship before you meet a partner with colleagues so as not to feel embarrassed about it.

You have the right to completely abandon any names. However, first of all, it is worth being guided by the feelings of the partner. If you introduce your girlfriend as a friend, this may offend her. That is why it is worth discussing this issue in advance so as not to spoil the evening with just one inappropriate word.

First introduce your spouse to your superiors

If the event is attended not only by your colleagues, but also by leaders, it is to them that you should first introduce your spouse. This is a way to show respect for the leader. In doing so, try to avoid gender bias.

If you are introducing a spouse to a colleague, first name your partner and then introduce him to a colleague.

Do not wait for the right moment

Do not wait for the right moment. Try to introduce your partner as soon as possible. If you do not, you can put your partner in an awkward position. If you did not introduce it to your colleagues, your partner will feel awkward, as he will be forced to communicate exclusively with you.

You can delay the moment of acquaintance due to the fact that you forgot the name of a colleague. However, it is not worth putting the spouse in an awkward position. Instead, better admit your mistake. You can act diplomatically by saying: “This is my wife Zhenya” and wait until a colleague introduces himself and says his name.

Look for similarities

Before introducing people to each other, experts in the field of etiquette recommend finding something in common between them. This will give them a common topic of conversation to relieve the tension that is usually present between strangers. You can start a conversation on a topic that is interesting to both. This will allow you to establish contact much faster.

Do not worry

Probably, before meeting your spouse and colleagues you are too worried, imagining the most pessimistic scenario. Try not to. In fact, most people make great contact. You just need to introduce them to each other.

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