To be honest, most people do not know how to manage money. This leads to the fact that they succumb to numerous temptations and even get into loans to satisfy all their desires. However, rash spending quickly empty the wallet.
Few people can resist the temptations and resist unplanned spending. Random purchases occur for various reasons. Someone cannot refuse the annoying consultant, someone simply gives in to emotions.
If you spend more than you can afford, you risk your own financial stability. I used to spend my money thoughtlessly too, but when I once had to repay a credit card debt, I decided to curb my own desires and begin to control spending.
First of all, you need to change your usual behavior in order to abandon impulsive spending. The following life hacks can help with this.
Shopping by List
Using a list allows you to focus. Write down what you need. No need to list everything that comes to mind. Include in your list only those items that you really need and that you can afford.
Once in the store, strictly follow the compiled list, steadfastly refusing all unplanned purchases. At first it will be difficult, but over time it will become a habit, and you will be pleasantly surprised that your wallet does not empty out after each visit to the store.
Listing cleanses your head and helps you avoid spending extra money, especially when you are shopping on an empty stomach or under stress. By becoming a hostage to one of these conditions, you can spend a lot of money on drinks or sweets.
Cash instead of card
As you know, people spend money on a plastic card faster than cash. This is due to the fact that they do not notice how, when paying for each purchase, the contents of their wallet are reduced, as is the case when using cash. That is why it is better to use paper money. Take the required amount and then you will not spend more than you planned, because at one point your wallet will simply be empty.
Meditation period
Impulsive purchases are made very quickly. If you have such a desire, give yourself a short period to think carefully about the upcoming purchase. The cooling period can be one hour, day or week. This is a chance to recover and make sure that you can afford it without emptying your own wallet. In some cases, you can understand that you almost spent money on nonsense, and you will be glad that you did not.
Shopping alone or with a trusted friend
If you go shopping with your spouse or with children, this can lead to unnecessary purchases, as during shopping you will be constantly distracted. If you make purchases alone, you can keep a more relaxed pace and think carefully about everything.
If you are going to the store with a trusted friend, ask him to help you focus on avoiding unplanned purchases.
Trying instead of buying
Often women suffer from the fact that their closet is full of clothes, but at the same time they have absolutely nothing to wear. However, when they find themselves in the store, they again buy clothes that have nowhere to be folded, and subsequently greatly regret their wasted expenses. This can be avoided if you do not buy every thing you like, but confine yourself solely to trying it on.In addition, you can find clothes in your closet that have not been worn for a long time, so they will be a great alternative to buying new things.
Pleasure without spending
On beaches, parks and other places you will find many people who enjoy life without spending a dime. This indicates that you can enjoy life not only in stores when shopping.
You can very well follow the example of many other people and find something that brings you pleasure, but it does not cost a dime. Look for nice, cheap ways to quench your momentum, which makes you make rash expenses. There are many ways to express your creative impulse - craft, painting, carving or baking. These are great ways to satisfy your tired soul.
Spending planning
It is difficult to completely abandon pleasant purchases in order to pamper yourself. This is even harder to do if you have to shop regularly. It is not necessary to introduce strict restrictions, refusing absolutely everything that gives you pleasure. Instead, start planning your spending, allowing yourself refreshments or other pleasant spending once a week or less. Stick to planned expenses and promise not to pamper yourself after school.
There is nothing more useful in gaining control over expenditures than budgeting. I must say that not all people like to keep records of income and expenses. Some of them refer to the fact that they hate working with numbers, collecting checks, etc.
However, those who have already begun to apply this approach, note its high efficiency. It’s enough to record all your expenses for a month to find an impressive amount of useless expenses that empty your wallet. Having abandoned them, it is possible to save impressive amounts.
Opt out of shopping
For some people, shopping is akin to entertainment. Especially often girls suffer from this habit. They like to stroll slowly from one store to another, looking at the goods offered. As a rule, this leads to the fact that they begin to make impulsive spending, looking with annoyance at their own wallet.
Instead of shopping, find another attraction that will save you money. Try to find people who share your new entertainment. Perhaps they also save money and can teach you this.
Refusal of non-returnable goods
If, despite all efforts, you are unable to overpower yourself and refuse spontaneous purchases, choose goods that can be returned back. Upon returning home, many girls almost immediately begin to regret impulsive shopping. That is why the return of the purchased product will be a good decision, provided that the proper appearance is maintained. Try to refuse impulsive purchases, which are categorically not refundable, or at least not exchanged.
If overspending is detrimental to your finances, relationships, or self-esteem, get the help and support you need. You can visit a psychologist and discuss your problems with him to find the reason for your impulsive spending. It is possible that they hide stress, dissatisfaction with life and other problems that are not directly related to spontaneous spending.
Perhaps you, too, are among the people who can not curb their own spending and moderate their appetites. We hope that the tips described above will help you move towards your goal and reduce the number of useless purchases. Do not scold yourself if something does not work right away. It will take time to change established habits. Be patient by following our recommendations and gradually moving towards the result. Once you manage to curb your own expenses and earn a reason to be proud of yourself.