A 19-year-old man works on a deep-sea fishing boat in New Zealand. Once he decided to realize the dream of his own house and a year later he was able to raise money for a down payment, but the guy is not going to stop there. The plans include the acquisition of another 14 real estate properties.
Not childhood dreams
Many high school students dream of a good car, new clothes, or plan to go to university. Ben Harwood, now 19, dropped out of school in Christchurch's hometown in New Zealand. Having no savings, a year later he changed his financial situation. In this he was helped by the usual fair of professions that suit schools.
Young people come to them for various reasons - someone wants to find a part-time job in order to have their own money, others start thinking about a future profession and want to take the first steps in it, the third is just boring, and they are looking for an opportunity to pass the school day off the desk. Such a fair helped Ben change his life.
Bold decision
Ben was 17 years old, he was still in high school, and there was practically no money. He tried to save and stretch for a week the amount that his peers spent daily.
In the hope of finding a part-time job, the guy went to a job fair, where employers were answering school students' questions at different stands. Many of them were surrounded by crowds of teenagers, but Ben did not want to stand in line for a long time, and therefore went to the least busy table. A fishing company representative sat behind him, and the guy decided to apply for a job.
Ben now works in 10-week shifts on a deep-sea fishing vessel from Nelson. When his shift comes to an end, the guy returns home to Christchurch for five weeks, during which he works at a local supermarket.
Ben admits that his lifestyle is not typical of young people of his age. This is not the right option, because education and career building is also important. However, he had a goal and he achieved it - he accumulated a contribution to buy a house. And work at sea helps to save, because there simply is nothing to spend money on.
He regards his own real estate as an excellent investment in the future. Now, two more neighbors live with Ben. They look after the house in his absence and help cover expenses. Now the guy is saving up money for the next house, but in general he plans to have 15.