So, you are in search of a new job and you have to go through an interview. The most difficult moment is to loyally answer the question about the reasons for leaving the previous employer. Your answer can significantly affect the course of further events. If you start to scold the former boss or the corporation whose employee you used to be, then your chances of getting a new job will vanish. How to get out of the delicate situation, experts will tell.
First of all, you need to build on the reasons for your dismissal and, based on this, come up with answers. Yes, you heard right. You need to prepare in advance, on the eve of the interview, so that in an interview with the recruitment manager this issue does not take you by surprise. So, we will consider the main reasons and loyal explanations.
Layoff layoff
This is one of the most common reasons. Nevertheless, the employer wants to hear a more or less detailed answer. You need to say that the company has undergone changes, reorganization and it was necessary to reduce the staff. The reorganization primarily affected your department. Since you were one of the last employees hired, you had to part with it. Remained mostly "old-timers."
The leadership has changed
It so happens that company A buys out company B. Accordingly, the reorganization also begins. Say that your position has been reduced, as the new leadership began to move in a different direction. That is, your services are no longer needed for objective reasons.
Dismissal for being late
In this case, you must immediately repent of their deeds and say that at that time you were not even aware of the possible negative consequences. Not only that, you did not take anything to prevent being late. In passing, mention that you’ve gotten right: you got a car, set an alarm an hour earlier, etc. At the end of the story, say that you received a hard lesson and now you understand how important it is to arrive on time, because others depend on you, and you are more Do not want to let anyone down.
Conflict with a colleague
Here you also need to repent and say that you had to go to the boss and try to solve the problem instead of taking the initiative in your own hands. Now you have already carried out the analysis and figured out the causes of the conflict and methods for resolving it. Henceforth, such errors will not be repeated.
Dismissal for poor work
Say that it was a difficult time for you then. During the preparation of the project, you encountered problems, but you did not have the courage to go to the boss and admit that you can’t settle them yourself. Now you have realized your mistakes and know what preventive measures to take to avoid such oversights in the future.
Wrong company
If you quit almost immediately after employment, then it will be easier to explain leaving. You can say that the work was not what it originally seemed. What you did not see career prospects. Or you can mention that they were not in the sphere they wanted to be.
In principle, everyone has the right to make a mistake. You were looking for yourself, but this option did not suit you. The only caveat: in your work experience there can be only one, maximum two such episodes. With more, the employer will think that you are a windy person who himself does not know what he is looking for and what he wants from life.
You did not work two weeks after leaving
In this case, we can say that this was the most optimal way out of the situation.Staying further in the company did not make sense, since your work did not bring any benefit. When you informed your boss about your dismissal and offered to work two weeks to transfer responsibilities, the boss refused.