The question “tell us about yourself” is one of the most frequently asked questions in an interview, regardless of the area in which you work. If you do not prepare for it in advance, he may be taken by surprise. But don’t worry, you don’t need to tell the story of your life. They want to hear from you that somehow they can be useful in the work you are applying for. You need to look sincere and not say too much.
Keep in mind the area of responsibility for a new job
Consider the answer so that it is related to your new position and responsibilities. Talk about the work that you are doing in your current organization, about your experience and relate the information of the new work. Focus on what the interviewer is interested in - and half the task is complete.
Do not forget to emphasize your achievements
Explaining your nature of work, do not forget to tell about your achievements. This is normal if you decide to present yourself in a favorable light, but do not overdo it.
Mention the situations in which you have demonstrated your leadership skills, achieved your goals, found innovative solutions or something that hints that you will become an excellent candidate for a new job.
Do not get involved in the details of your personal life.
Keep your answer short and avoid talking about personal things, including religious or political beliefs, marital status, and relationships with your mother-in-law. The interviewer is not interested in knowing your life story. He wants to understand how efficiently you will work.
Do not retell your resume, but provide new details
There is a high probability that the interviewer has already looked through your resume, so just listening to the retelling will not be interesting to him. Tell us about the benefits you could bring to the team. You can also talk about your hobbies so that the answer is a little emotional.
Answering this question, applicants talk about their studies, places of work, experience and skills. Here you can show how you are passionate about your profession, interested in new products, how hardworking, purposeful and tolerant you are. Family and hobbies may be mentioned, but the emphasis should be on points related to the purpose of the interview.
Talking about previous places of work, try to be constructive, noting the moments of your professional growth and activity. In no case should you express dissatisfaction with the authorities, who underestimated your giftedness, or colleagues who weaved intrigues.
Preliminary rehearsal
Hoping for a successful impromptu is not worth it. You have to write a speech, edit, read aloud. If you know what to say, rather than pick words on the go, you will feel calmer and more confident.
Record yourself on video and see what you can fix in your way of serving yourself. Maybe you have habits of pulling hair, stooping, inserting inaudible sounds that you did not notice behind you.
Do not forget to mention how your activities have benefited the successes of the companies in which you worked, emphasize your best qualities.
You can always change your answer in accordance with the situation, but it is best to formulate your speech in advance. This will give you more clarity on topics that you can cover, things you should avoid, and help you look confident in front of the interviewer.