Children always remain children, even when they have long grown up and entered adulthood. Very often, newlyweds lack some everyday knowledge that can help manage money. And here, of course, parents come to the rescue. After all, they always want their children to be happy. Tips from experienced parents can help save money and even save up for the necessary purchase or long-awaited trip.
It’s not always worth buying cheap things
The desire to save money can play a bad joke with you. There are things that we use all the time. If they are of poor quality, they will deteriorate very soon. Therefore, you have to buy them again! Therefore, it is necessary to remember that the actual value of the goods is determined by its durability. In other words, if you need a thing for many years, then you should buy it still of good quality. Before you buy something, think about how long you plan to wear it.
Do not buy a new car
Many even very wealthy people drive used cars. And there is nothing wrong with that. Whereas the benefits are clearly obvious! You will spend much less money on fixing all the shortcomings of the "new car". In addition, the old car is cheaper!
Meet needs, not desires
Each person has the same needs: food, housing, relationships with other people, security and much more. When we take them into account, our life becomes more ordered and happy. But there are also various desires. They are momentary, but we really want to implement them. There is a danger of acquiring unnecessary things and spending a large amount of money. And as a result - experiences and disappointments. In order to prevent meaningless spending, you need to ask yourself the question: is this thing really necessary for me? When purchasing it, what do I decide: a necessary need or a momentary desire? Try it - and then you will be able to save the budget, and there will be much less unnecessary things in the house.
Choose a person responsible for the family budget
When the family does not have the main person in charge of financial management, people can spend too much. Therefore, it is worthwhile to consult and decide who will manage the family budget wisely.
Calculate daily profit
Every day we either undermine our financial well-being or strengthen it. But it is precisely from such moments that our future material capabilities consist. What to do? First you need to calculate all the income in your family. And then calculate how much you spend on daily needs. If your daily income exceeds expenses by 20-30%, then you save your money and increase wealth. If this indicator is much less, then it's time to change something: either you are cutting your expenses, or you are looking for the possibility of additional earnings. And it is possible to do both! As you can see, everything is very simple!
Optimization of expensive budget items
Analyze your family budget and determine what you often spend money on. This is a great way to optimize your expenses! You may be spending too much money on junk food or buying too many new clothes.
Share of expenses
Make purchases from time to time with friends. Indeed, in stores very often there are various promotions when you can buy two products at the price of one, and many others. And you can order goods on the Internet and divide the cost in half.Agree, this is a very successful and profitable solution! Wanted to go to the bar? You can have a party by dividing the cost of shopping between guests.
Set a limit for daily expenses
This will allow you to avoid expensive and unnecessary expenses. Think about how much you can allocate per day, and try not to exceed this limit.
Revise your loan commitments
Remember that it’s better to make advance payments than the minimum. In the first case, the amount of interest that you pay to the bank for using the loan is reduced. Or maybe you should refinance your loans and pay at more favorable conditions for you ?! Agree that the rules that the parents gave to the newlyweds (and which we shared) are quite simple, but they help to increase the family budget!