
Proper delegation of authority is the key to business success: expert advice on growth strategies

Delegation of authority is a special art that is not accessible to everyone. But the easier the leader copes with this task, the better his team works. There is a theory according to which it is impossible to create a strong team without delegation. It allows you to free the leader from performing routine tasks and give him time to perform more complex functions. If you do not indicate your team the right direction, you will not give it the opportunity to make its own decisions and learn to take responsibility.

Main mistake

Many company executives make a serious mistake by providing entire team members with instructions on how to perform basic actions. Thus, you give your employees an excuse to think that you do not trust them to look for their own methods for achieving positive results. As a rule, in the end, they will not be able to perform even the simplest operations without your approval.

Delegation or command?

It is one thing to give people strict instructions and expect strict implementation from them, and another to set a goal for them and provide an opportunity to independently seek ways to achieve it. What would you prefer: to have a team of thinking people who have an idea of ​​what needs to be achieved, or a team of builders capable of acting only according to a strictly worked out, predetermined plan? If your employees wait for instructions from you every minute, this will greatly complicate your life.

Command as a management style is not very effective. This is reflected even in a study of the US educational system. Schoolchildren are excellent at solving standard equations, but as soon as a task arises that requires critical thinking, they immediately fall into a stupor.

If your company wants to achieve rapid growth, it should take a different course. Think about in which direction you would like to develop. Share your thoughts with your teammates. They can offer you their own approach or strategy. To see which direction your employees are thinking, ask them suggestive questions.

Encouraging “thinking” employees

If you see that your teammates do a good job of challenging tasks that require critical thinking, be sure to praise them for it. GForce Life Science founder Mark Gallagher says it's important that employees think for themselves. Sometimes a problem arises for specialists, which no one has ever solved before. They are always very enthusiastic about this challenge and get down to business. Ultimately, they come up with an optimal solution. Despite the fact that many employees do not have much experience and have recently graduated from the university, they are all ready to argue and discuss about the solution of the task, since management allows them to. Of course, this does not guarantee that they will always achieve the desired result, but without errors the path to success is impossible.

Continuous development

If your employees are interested in working on a task, you can see the magic of thinking in action. Forward Financing co-founder and CEO Justin Bakes says it's especially important to give your employees the opportunity to grow and grow. If specialists are not interested in obtaining a result, they will not be invested in work. It is necessary to organize the work process so that employees are fully involved in it.Bakes is trying to create an environment in which each of the employees is ready to make every effort to get the result. The whole team is focused on achieving specific business indicators. Since each employee knows exactly what they want from him, he is able to raise issues that prevent him from achieving these goals.

Continuing education

The head of the company must think in advance about what skills and abilities are necessary for his team members to achieve the planned targets. Depending on this, it is worth choosing a program of advanced training or training new personnel. It is important not to stop at the achieved result and try to constantly give our employees opportunities for further development. This approach to the organization of the workflow allows even the youngest member of the team to feel their importance and involvement in the activities of the company.


The word "delegation" was heard today by many, but not everyone knows what exactly lies behind this concept. Thanks to the competent distribution of functions among the staff, you as a leader can free yourself from performing routine tasks and devote yourself to more important issues related to the further development and strategic planning of the company. It is also important to organize work on the tasks in such a way that each member of the team was able to independently make decisions within their authority.

If you control the entire workflow at each stage, this can adversely affect both the result of the work and the activities of the entire team. Let your employees work independently to find a solution to the problem and reward them for new ideas and innovative suggestions. If you want your business to constantly evolve, then try to create the most comfortable conditions for your subordinates. Only then will you see the returns you need from them.

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