It is very difficult to maintain productivity when you are surrounded by many distractions. Friends, family and social networks are the most frequent distractions that prevent you from fully concentrating on the work or other task that requires the utmost concentration.
The benefits of loneliness
It is generally accepted that loneliness is something bad. However, sometimes it brings incredible benefits. For example, when it comes to improving productivity and discovering new talents.
Loneliness can work wonders. When nobody distracts you over trifles, the brain is absorbed in its own thoughts. This is a great time for creativity when thoughts and ideas come to you. However, it is important to understand that loneliness is different.
Productivity is not easy to achieve, for this you need to work, work harder than usual. Productivity requires some effort from a person.
Search for an idea
Being alone, you can safely engage in the search for interesting ideas, without being distracted by anything. Sometimes it’s important to impartially evaluate one’s own idea, rather than follow public opinion, because not everyone understands potential prospects. Probably, you had to experience grief, being misunderstood. People are ruthless, they act on the basis of what they consider to be right, regardless of what you offer them.
The time has come to begin to value your own decisions and choices in life. The loneliness and ideas that you have during this period can become the basis of great undertakings.
Many famous people who wrote their names in history were once rejected by other people when they tried to make their innovative ideas public. However, they never gave up, which ultimately led them to success. Moreover, their ideas became a reality, changing the world for the better. Do not neglect your ideas just because people do not understand you. If the idea seems realistic and feasible, it is worth a try.
A foothold for creativity
Many people can claim that Leonardo da Vinci invented everything because he was stoned by opium, some would say that he was a smart person, regardless of his habits. There is also an opinion that he created all his inventions alone. The model for the aircraft, the famous painting and much more was done in solitude.
Now imagine that Picasso would ask his brothers before drawing Mona Lisa, they would call him crazy and ignore him. This once again proves that sometimes someone else's opinion can harm.
You are most creative and open to ideas when you are not stopped by any power. According to studies, the majority of creative people who have ever walked this earth were crazy and lonely people, ignored by their contemporaries.
Your brain is a complex organ, it works in different directions, connecting things. In addition, he works better alone. Your brain comprehends all the possibilities of your actions.
Knowing yourself
You will know yourself better if you are alone. You seem to rediscover yourself. It is not just about finding new ideas.
Have you ever rested alone and sat on a hillside, reflecting on nature? If not, then it's time to experience this incredible feeling. You begin to think much wider and find new ideas that would never have visited you in a busy bustling city. Try this and you will never regret taking this advice into account.
Alan Turing is the man who cracked the code for Enigma, the German encryption machine used during the Second World War to transmit messages. Turing always worked alone, he was absorbed in his personality and kept his mind at rest, staying away from people. His companions, who worked on the riddle with him, were fed up with him because he neglected their work and preferred to act alone.
You reveal new talents
Oddly enough, it is in a state of loneliness that a person discovers skills or talents, the presence of which he had never even known before.
Sometimes we don’t feel comfortable enough to try something new. One of the constraining factors is public opinion. However, being completely alone, you cease to restrain yourself and begin to learn about previously undiscovered talents.
Many people tend to be shy and introverted when surrounded by other people. If you ask a confident person to sing in a crowd of 10 people, he will hesitate a little. This is because we are afraid of failure, everyone is afraid. However, when you are alone, no one rejects you.
So, in solitude you are more attentive to yourself and for this reason you find those hidden qualities that you always had, but you did not even suspect about their presence. The practice process is difficult. This will be confirmed by anyone who personally went through it.
If you want to be productive, find a new talent or hone your own skill, work on it in complete solitude and do not show your talents right away.
Children learn to control their behavior
It is in a state of solitude that they succeed best. Their age requires a lot of experimentation, so it is important to let them discover the world on their own. According to studies, children who were observed by adults while using a computer were weak users compared to children who did not have control. How is this related?
When your child is helped and guided correctly, he cannot investigate and make mistakes on his own. This fact has repeatedly proved its veracity. All comes with experience. Thus, children who were not controlled or not observed by adults had the opportunity to examine the machine and find out how it works. They read instructions instead of listening to someone’s prompts. For this reason, they have succeeded in using a computer compared to other children.
Children learn better when they are free. They will not know how much a vase costs until they break it.