
Why you should not throw out tickets immediately after the announcement of the delay or cancellation of the flight: tips for passengers

People who have to constantly fly on a plane regularly experience canceled or delayed flights. In such cases, passengers can count on some financial assistance from the airline. People should understand their rights, as well as use certain life hacks that allow them to get compensation for delay or other problems associated with flying on airplanes.

1. You can count on help from airport staff

If the departure of the aircraft is delayed, then each passenger can receive compensation, for which you need to make an official statement in duplicate. Airlines are trying to reduce their costs, so they often underestimate the amount of compensation. Therefore, it is important to request the appropriate document at the front desk containing information on the reasons and duration of the delay.

If you use this advice, then a person can count on the optimal amount of compensation. Otherwise, he will be able to go to court to assert his rights.

2. Save documents

Until receipt of compensation, a person must retain all documents related to flying on an airplane. Some passengers on delayed or canceled flights make the same mistake, which is that they simply throw away their tickets or other papers. This leads to the fact that they cannot apply to the airline or court for compensation, as they cannot confirm that they really encountered difficulties during the flight.

If you plan to write an application for compensation, you need to enter the data from your passenger ticket into it. If the person has all the documentation, then he can easily file a lawsuit in court if the airline for various reasons refuses to voluntarily pay compensation. Therefore, until the transfer of compensation, you should not throw away a ticket or other documents.

3. Be persistent

Employees of almost every airline are trained in the rules of negotiating with dissatisfied passengers. They constantly reassure people, give empty promises and dismiss customers who want to write a claim for compensation. Therefore, passengers must act aggressively and convincingly.

It is advisable to immediately write a written statement in free form, which is drawn up in the name of the head of the airline. Such a document is formed in duplicate. One application is handed over to the employee of the company, while the other is marked with acceptance, as well as the date of compilation. Under such conditions, the airline simply will not be able to dismiss a disgruntled passenger.

4. Do not worry and request a food voucher

If the flight delay is significant, then no need to worry, fall into despair or behave unreasonably. In any situation, you need to remain calm, as any passenger can receive compensation due to problems.

If the delay exceeds two hours, then any passenger can require a special voucher for free meals. The airline must take care of its customers, so it is imperative that they issue these documents, which allow you to eat at any airport restaurant for free, as well as get drinks. If the duration is significant, then the company must resettle passengers to hotel rooms. All these conditions should be demanded directly by citizens who assert their rights.

5. Make a statement addressed to the head

If a person insists on receiving compensation, then he must independently write a statement. It is issued in the name of the head of the airline whose ticket was purchased by a citizen. The letter indicates the details of the existing ticket, as well as details of the delay or cancellation of the flight.

It is with the correct preparation of the application that you can count on its quick consideration and prompt transfer of compensation.


Each passenger of a canceled or delayed flight can count on compensation, free meals and other types of assistance from the airline. People themselves must understand their rights in order to defend them on the basis of legislative requirements. Otherwise, they will not be able to receive a compensation payment or other types of support, as firms try to save their money.

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