
Plushenko was criticized for showing off on Instagram: the skater posted a photo with cars for 5 and 12 million rubles

Most recently, on his page on Instagram, the famous skater Evgeni Plushenko uploaded a photo where he was captured against two gorgeous and expensive cars. The price of these cars is five and twelve million rubles. But among the subscribers there were not those who would be happy for the famous skater, and a flurry of negative comments fell on him.

Comment under the picture

Now Evgeni Plushenko has to make excuses for the photo and commentary on him, which he recently added to his page on the social network. It is no secret that both the famous skater and his wife Yana Rudkovskaya can afford to have several luxury cars. Therefore, Plushenko and posted on Instagram a photo where he poses between two cars, white and black. In a comment, he turned to subscribers to guess what car he would drive today.


But the humor of the famous skater was not appreciated, since immediately negative comments fell on him about why he was asking such questions and to whom he was going to show off here. Some even openly asked Eugene why he asked this question, because it was clear that there would immediately be negative comments, or if he wanted to read nasty things.

Subscribers believe that, despite all the merits of Plushenko, you still need to be more modest. At a time when many are in poverty, he shows his well-being and causes anger and anger among people. Such behavior is unacceptable in society now and cannot be regarded otherwise than empty boasting.

Excuses Plushenko

The athlete the very next day after posting the photo with the cars announced that the money for this transport was earned by great work, so do not blame him for this. After all, he did not steal this car, and he spent the whole of last year with his son on tours across Russia and abroad.

According to the star skater, he has been riding the show for more than twenty years. Every year he gives ten thousand tickets for the disabled and low-income families. After all, he knows perfectly well what poverty is, what it is to give up empty bottles and think about how to live tomorrow. But in order to achieve something, you need to work hard, overcoming the pain and the desire to quit everything. Therefore, society should be happy for those people who achieve in life not only for themselves, but also for the country.

Today, he has not only several well-deserved titles and four Olympic medals, but also sixteen operations, after which he recovered and continued his activities.

The skater also said that he always pays taxes on his profits. And his work allows you to purchase such a car. But the white car belongs to his wife. Therefore, according to Evgeni Plushenko, he hoped that his fans would be happy for his achievements, and would not be negative about him. By the way, good friends under these pictures of the famous skater Plushenko were supported by his friends: Alexander Revva, Tatyana Navka and others.

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