
Fortune cookie writer, water rider and other weird professions that are simple at first glance

We all know someone who is a doctor, lawyer or architect, but did you know that there are people who get paid for trying dog food? If you prefer unusual professions, these fancy jobs may work for you.

In this article we will discuss the strangest, but, mind you, quite complex activities.


Have you ever wondered who writes all these predictions on pieces of paper that fit inside a delicious and unusual cookie? Well, if you really want to earn money and at the same time you can concisely express your thoughts, then it could be you.

About 3 billion predictive cookies are produced annually, which means that the industry needs a lot of discerning writers.

Diver Diving For Golf Balls

Over the past few years, diving, associated with the need to catch golf balls from tanks, has become a huge industry. Experienced divers can earn between $ 50,000 and $ 100,000 a year.

Conditions can be harsh. For example, divers encounter pesticides, fertilizers, broken glass, snakes, and even alligators.

Worker testing animal feed

Pet food tasters do exactly what you think. This is legal work, and entry-level employees earn about $ 40,000 a year. More experienced tasters can earn up to $ 120,000.

Although pet food is safe for human consumption, tasters do not need to swallow it. They just need to chew it a little.

Gender Chicken

As the name implies, this person is the one who is paid to determine the sex of chickens and other young animals or birds. Male and female chickens have different feeding programs, so it is important for farmers to determine the sex of the chickens.

Napkin Tester

The fabric and paper towel are odorless in principle. The only way to make sure they are odorless is to make people with sensitive noses smell them.

Paper towels can bring such people up to $ 1,000 a week. If you have a good sense of smell, this may be the perfect job for you.

Deodorant Testers

Such an unusual occupation is necessary in order to understand which deodorant is good and which is bad. If you have a nose that makes you distinguish subtle odors, you can earn up to $ 50,000 a year by sniffing your armpits.

For an hour, such people need to sniff out about 60 armpits, while being around sweaty bodies all the time.

Milkmaids for snakes

Milkmaids for snakes extract poison from these creatures to make a saving antidote. Such people should not only direct the snake's cute face to the vessel, they should also touch its head with special electrodes that cause the muscles around their poisonous glands to contract, causing the snake to release poison.

This is a dangerous job, but someone must do it.

Dog Surfing Instructor

It’s not an easy job to be a dog surfing trainer. You must know how to surf, and you must be an experienced trainer.

If you really do a good job, some of your canine clients may even win other dogs in the surf competition. Yes, such competitions exist.

Water Slide Tester

This work seems like it's all fun and games, but in fact it can be quite dangerous.Would you like to slide down an unchecked hill? I bet only for money, and big ones.

So that you can ride a hill in the summer, first one or several people test it, risking their life and health.

Dice Inspector

If the dice are light or irregular in shape, they can distort the entire game with high stakes. Dice inspectors are quality control professionals who ensure that all corners, sides and faces are perfectly aligned.

Imagine that you are losing millions of dollars because one of the dice was uneven? This would be the most unlucky day in the casino.

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