There are many people on our planet who have a special mindset. Some of them can do complex mathematical calculations verbally and in seconds, while someone has a phenomenal memory. Thus, 14-year-old Mohamed Arif Hariz stood out, who was able to correctly use his talent.
Age does not matter
Mohamed Arif Hariz is still a high school student. For a small amount of time, he independently made an external charger. Like most people, the boy did not expect his creation to work properly on the first try.
Arif is the fourth child. His family is large and has seven children. A 14-year-old boy says that the idea of creating a complex device came about after his elder brother, 21-year-old Amir, announced the need to buy a power bank.
I decided, I did it myself
An external charger was not created for a school project, but on the initiative of a younger brother. Arif says that before creating it, he asked the opinion of a familiar master and studied some engineering books on the Internet.
Also, the guy bought the materials necessary for his business. Basically, these were simple used boxes, old chargers for mobile phones, switches, wires, batteries for the necessary voltage and a glue gun. Since he was going to do this at home, he did not need to raise capital to create them.
Successful completion
After the whole process was completed, Arif tested a homemade charge on a mobile phone using a USB cable and was shocked. The fact is that everything worked properly and is no worse than new.
According to the young inventor, at the moment, a portable power source is able to charge a mobile phone for 30 minutes. He said that he planned to make improvements so that the tool worked longer and better.
The boy in a short period of time became famous thanks to the video posted on the Internet, where he talks about what parts the charger consists of and tests it.
Arif hopes that he will be able to improve the device in the future. Another guy’s dream is the mass production of his own invention.
Notes of joy in the family
The elder brother Amir, to whom the power bank was intended, says that at first he did not believe in the success of Arif, but simply wanted to buy the device in the store. But some circumstances did not allow him to do this. The first and main reason was the lack of money, because he was delayed salary.
Arif did not upset her brother's attitude, but only served as a motivation. He immediately began to act and achieved unprecedented results in creating the tool.
Amir says that he was simply amazed at the mind of a younger brother. After all, he was able to create, it seems, the impossible, without outside help, relying only on information from the Internet and his own strength.
Now, not only the older brother, but also the rest of the family support him. Arif is confident that he will succeed in the future, since now he is not alone, he is supported by the whole family.