
From personal troubles to politics: 5 topics that can never be discussed with colleagues

If your career is not as successful as we would like, it is worth considering. It is quite possible that conversations among colleagues played a cruel joke with you, during which there were people who could influence your promotion. One unsuccessful statement can cross out a good impression of a job well done. Let us ponder which topics should not be addressed among colleagues.

Issues of Race, Religion, Politics

We all have the right to political or other beliefs, but the workforce is not a forum where you need to hold discussions on these issues. Especially when communicating with people on whom serious decisions depend. During a job interview, these topics should be categorically excluded. One phrase can cause irritation of the interlocutor, if he adheres to different views on the issue under discussion.

What if the initiative for talking about politics or racial intolerance comes from your colleague? In no case do not support the conversation, moving it to another plane. At a corporate party, for example, one can say with humor that at the moment you are more interested in a glass of wine.

Personal plan troubles

Sometimes we have bad days and want to share a story with someone about troubles in order to experience at least temporary relief. But you need to remember the rule: the work team is not the audience in which personal problems are discussed.

One of the reasons is the mismatch of the expectations of colleagues. Someone is set up exclusively for easy secular communication, so in such a situation can feel extremely awkward. The second point: if your progress on the career ladder depends on the participant in the conversation, be sure that employees who are unhappy and inclined to complain are unlikely to be raised.

Troubles should be shared with friends, relatives, or professional consultants who can provide support and help sort out problems.

Discussion of bad habits

It is unlikely that the immediate boss or the person on whom career advancement depends will like your statement about some bad habits, even those mentioned in a comic form. If we smoke, like to have a lunch break on Facebook or are fond of playing poker, you should not report this to the work team. And during the interview on such topics should simply be taboo.

One of the candidates for the position in the company with a laugh said that for the sake of business he was ready to miss a glass with clients at lunch. This was enough to change the look of the interviewer, and a note on the undesirability of this employee for the company appeared in his notebook.

All forms of lies

Sometimes we resort to this for our own benefit in order to make a good impression. But no one knows how and under what circumstances our lies will be revealed. And it can cross out for us possible prospects in the future. In a conversation with partners, for example, you mentioned that you took courses abroad in your area of ​​activity. By this you wanted to add weight to your proposals.

And after a few years you will be able to work in a company, in the leadership of which will be one of the interlocutors. And a lie will be revealed that will make your future career problematic.

Gossip about employees and superiors

Telling a newcomer about a former employee who was fired due to a piquant situation in the team, you can run into a person who is his acquaintance, relative or friend.In the face of a new employee, you will gain a detractor. You should always remember that discussing someone behind him does not add points to the eyes of your interlocutors and damages your reputation.

The professional team is stable, so you need to monitor conversations so as not to harm yourself.

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