Artisan Farmacy founder Koren Summers is a well-known entrepreneur. Her company makes fabulous profits, but the woman does not stop her work, so she constantly tries to improve the working conditions of her employees. Workplace stress occurs in almost every person. It is associated with the emergence of various problems, the need to communicate with unpleasant personalities or other reasons.
Features of stress in the workplace
If a person at work is constantly experiencing stress, then this does not allow the mind and body to relax. His productivity is falling, and he also needs much more time to solve standard working issues.
Stress usually occurs with constant pressure on employees by management. People sometimes cannot work normally in a team or are forced to perform not only their own, but also other people's work responsibilities. Therefore, this condition becomes the norm, which leads to negative consequences for the entire company.
It is almost impossible to avoid stress or feelings of depression, as this is a natural part of the life of a modern person. But you can use some methods aimed at relieving stress. To do this, you need to determine the causes of the stress state, admit its presence, and also use several ways to improve the moral state.
1. Put your needs first
Each person is a valuable resource for each company. If he is a qualified and professional employee, then he must cope well with the tasks. If a person is constantly experiencing stress, then the results of his activity become deplorable.
Therefore, any specialist should put himself first. This is the fundamental factor for success. Therefore, the following recommendations are taken into account:
- value your health, therefore, after the end of the working day, it is recommended to forget about work problems;
- It is important to rest and relax regularly;
- it is advisable to learn meditation, as this technique allows you to completely distract from problems at work;
- in case of serious problems, it is recommended to use breathing techniques that allow you to concentrate well on an important task and forget about anxiety;
- after work, it is advisable to take a walk or spend time outdoors with other family members;
- People who work in stressful situations should spend a lot of time on creative work, so they can be artists or musicians.
If a person can pay much attention to personal care, relaxation and rest every day, then he will not be as much stressed as his colleagues, who even after the end of the working day cannot forget about problems in the office.
2. Learn to breathe properly
Proper breathing will help you relieve physical stress, calm the nervous system, get a boost of energy and get rid of anxiety. Therefore, you should use unique breathing exercises immediately if you experience any problems in the company. If a person feels overwhelmed, since he has done a lot of work in a short period of time, then it is advisable to distract and concentrate on breathing.
Breathing is the best way to escape from any thoughts that may cause you stress or anxiety.After performing these exercises, a person will be able to return to his work responsibilities, completing the tasks in a calm and confident state.
The most effective exercise is considered, which takes only 1 minute. To do this, close your eyes and count to 10, taking a deep breath and exhale with each count. You need to breathe deeply and into the stomach. Due to such actions, the preservation of the natural rhythm and rate of respiration is ensured. You should not be distracted by extraneous thoughts or actions, so you need to be absorbed in counting. This will allow us to distract from the problems, calm down and get to work with renewed vigor.
3. Complete all tasks in sequence
Some people boast of their multitasking, as they supposedly can cope with several tasks at once in a short period of time. But usually these people often make mistakes, are stressed and get tired quickly.
Therefore, it is desirable to perform all tasks in sequence. Such actions allow less distraction and increase productivity. It is important to concentrate on one problem until its complete solution. This can give a positive result, unlike multitasking. If you choose tasks that the employee simply likes, then you can use your creative thinking and enjoy working activities.
4. Enjoy breaks and rewards
To relieve stress, you need to periodically take breaks in work. They consist not only of a lunch break, but also of a competent weekend, during which people do not have to perform work duties. It is important to regularly take vacations or take paid time off.
If a person reaches unprecedented heights in work, then he must independently reward himself for hard work. For this, awards are selected that correspond to the desires and needs of a particular employee. This is a great way to motivate productive and long-term work.
If you use the above methods, you can quickly and easily relieve stress and get rid of the anxiety that occurs during the performance of labor duties. People can easily manage stressful situations, learn to meditate and do the right breathing exercises, and can also receive rewards for various achievements. The right approach to work allows you to develop motivation and determination. Such employees who easily manage stress themselves can be appreciated in any company. They can count on high wages, loyalty and promotion.