One customer attractive appearance behaved as if she owed something personal. Demanding a discount, she launched her charm, and not having received it, threatened to complain to me about the manager. Working with clients requires experience, patience and ingenuity. My friend gave me three tips to help set the right boundaries in a working relationship.
Some customers are like angels: they do not bargain, they know more about the product than you do, and they call the boss to appreciate such an employee.
Others will make you remember all your sins from childhood, because it seems that only very bad karma can bring to your shores a disgruntled client who criticizes everything, but does not leave.
However, there are tricks that will help you conduct a transaction or sale with the maximum benefit and comfort even with the most harmful buyer. Use these 3 methods when dealing with difficult clients.
If you are dealing with a complex client, do not fall to his level
Be straightforward, but respectful, try to find an approach to each person.
The client is not always right, and if he behaves disgustingly, you have the right to protect yourself. Sometimes people tiptoe in front of shoppers to see how far they can go without being rejected. Set boundaries in communication with the client.
Explain the presumptuous client how he should communicate with you. If you send short emails and they call work late in the evening and expect you to do everything, remind the daily routine.
In some cases, people simply don’t know how their tone sounds. But paying for some services does not give anyone the right to be difficult, condescending or rude.
Talk to the person in charge
Involving other employees in communication with a difficult client can relieve tension in relations with him. If someone who is too pushy is causing you problems, talk to the person in charge. Your staff will help shift attention. Engage intermediaries in a difficult situation without bringing the matter to a serious conflict.
Cut your losses
At the beginning of a career, inexperienced workers begin to work with anyone, as increasing income is the only goal. No amount of money is worth it to feel awkward. Understanding this comes with experience. But allowing the client to behave as he pleases, to take your time and attention can be too damaging for other areas of business and personal life.
Working with a difficult client may be ineffective to increase productivity, but worse for your thinking and mental health.