
Communication on working issues: when to do it orally, and when in writing

Which verbal communication channel is better - oral or written? The question that each of us asks himself, probably, repeatedly. So: there is not a single correct answer to it. It is worth noting the advantages and disadvantages of both methods of communication and emphasize that they cannot be used interchangeably. They should complement each other, but not replace.

Advantages and disadvantages

Among the advantages of verbal communication, it is worth noting, first of all, a great opportunity to express emotions and feelings, as well as, as a rule, its informal nature. In turn, message forwarding provides an opportunity for more formal messages and information that should be stored longer.

Verbal communication poses a greater risk of misrepresentation of messages repeated to other people, and also makes it impossible to verify whether someone was telling the truth or even transmitting information. It also does not give you too much time to think about the answer, but, on the other hand, allows you to get instant feedback.

Written communication allows the possibility of checking information, preparing a response, receiving a message at any time in its original form. However, this is a more laborious process. It is also worth remembering that conveying emotions on paper is more difficult, or they can be misinterpreted.

Communication at work

So, when to use a written channel, and when to use verbal communication at work? Below are some tips.

An important point. Information that should reach a large group of colleagues should be sent by email.

At the end of the meeting, the results should be summarized verbally. This is followed by a written note with arrangements that will be more difficult to withdraw.

Four-eye verbal criticism will lead to deeper reflection than reproach email. It will also give you the opportunity to protect yourself.

In a word, nothing complicated. It all depends on who we want to communicate with and for what purpose.

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