I'll turn the calendar over, and again ... August. What will bring the last month of summer in the life of different signs of the zodiac? What can you expect from him? The opinions of most astrologers boil down to the fact that luck will definitely not bypass such zodiac signs as Leo, Aries and Sagittarius.
Happiness is not far away
Those who were destined to be born in this wonderful month of the year, August will give magnificent surprises and gifts that will literally come from different directions. The most interesting thing is that pleasant surprises will be prepared by people from whom kindness, it would seem, was not worth the wait.
The fate of fire signs of the zodiac will also bestow incredible luck and luck. This concerns, of course, primarily the birthday of August - Lviv. Sagittarius and Aries will also not be deprived of the charms of life: in August they will be able to take advantage of all the blessings of fate. These signs of the zodiac will have such emotional balance and inspiration for accomplishments that even at times it will seem incredible to themselves. Noticeable changes for the better will be observed in the first half of the month.
During the first two weeks of August, fiery signs will be very lucky, they will be able to conclude long-awaited transactions and contracts (at the same time they will be financially rewarded). Those who have taken such a long time to achieve their goals will be able to realize their full potential and complete the planned projects during this period.
The sun does not shine equally for everyone
Nevertheless, while some revel in incredible luck and luck, others will experience a difficult period. Some signs of the zodiac will literally go overboard overtaking emotions and quarrels. It concerns such zodiac signs as Aquarius, Scorpio and Pisces. Throughout the last month of summer they will have to oh how sweet! The fault is due to the temperament features of these signs. Thus, in order to avoid conflict situations, Aquarius, Scorpio and Pisces will have to concede to others in resolving any issues or disputes. “Forewarned means armed”, says the popular wisdom: just be prepared for the fact that in August, fate will most likely throw you more and more trials. The main thing is not to forget that for any suffering you will be rewarded.
To avoid possible conflict and controversial situations, people born under the signs of Aquarius, Scorpio and Pisces should protect themselves from communication with unfamiliar or unpleasant faces for this time. Try to concentrate your attention and communication on people who are willing and able to listen, who are sympathetic to the choosy character and temperament of other signs. Aquarius will have the hardest time: they will be subject to special provocations from fate.
Another of the signs of the zodiac will be quite difficult to live this month. These are Gemini. However, unlike Aquarius, thanks to their perseverance and optimism, the Gemini will eventually be generously rewarded, and all their seemingly insoluble problems will disappear. Particular attention should be paid to Gemini issues of family relations and career growth. The main motto of this month for Gemini will be: "You will chase two hares, you will not catch a single one!" It is worth accepting for yourself the fact that combining romance and work is almost impossible: the choice must be made correctly and truly in favor of one thing.
Almost all the signs of the zodiac this month will have to face competition, and in some cases with unjust and dishonest.Emotions will go wild in controversial issues, sobriety of the mind can be preserved only by those who are strong in spirit and confident in their strength and knowledge. The main storm of emotions will fall on the first two weeks of August.
Which side is luck on?
Unlike Gemini, in the last month of summer, victories were achieved by representatives of such zodiac signs as Taurus and Libra. They will be at the peak of popularity, they will be able to solve the most difficult problems. Whatever tasks are set for these signs, they will be solved with ease and the desired result.
As for financial well-being, those who were born under the sign of Virgo and Capricorn will be lucky. Unlike other signs, Dev is waiting for an unexpected turn of events in the matter of finance, they will receive financial support not only from their close circle, but also from the side from which, it would seem, it is not worth waiting for it. Good luck in monetary matters will also accompany Taurus.
August: good and bad days
As for the overall picture, representatives of absolutely all star constellations should keep in mind that the most dangerous and failing days of August will be the 2nd, 15th, 23rd, 27th and 31st.
It is worth hoping for a favorable outcome of events on days positive in terms of energy. These dates include August 7, 8, 26.