
Money is not happiness and not quantity. Studies have shown that financial success is not the main thing in work

For more than a century, mankind has been looking for the answer to the question of what is happiness. Many people believe that money can make them happy. They are anxious about finances, trying to earn more and more. However, studies on this issue have shown that the pursuit of money does not make people happy.

Happiness is not in money

In the environment of each of us there will be people who are convinced that only money can bring them long-awaited happiness. They are engaged in an unloved affair that does not give them a sense of satisfaction. When they get a job, they are primarily interested in the size of the salary. They are ready to work without breaks and days off, denying themselves the right to rest.

Examples of such people are forcing psychologists to conduct more and more research on this issue.

Research results

The attempt to find a connection between income and happiness has become the subject of many studies. In all cases, psychologists came to the same conclusions that everyone would find useful.

It is really difficult for a poor person to constantly save and deny himself pleasures. When people manage to break out of this vicious circle, start earning more, they feel satisfaction. However, further growth in income does not affect their level of happiness. Many rich people suffer from depression.


So, studies have shown that happiness does not lie in money. Revenues can grow, but this will not affect the mood. However, the lack of money also leads to the fact that people are deprived of the opportunity to enjoy life. What conclusions did psychologists draw?

When choosing a job, you cannot focus only on future salaries and bonuses; this position is initially erroneous. The case that a person is engaged in should be interesting to him in itself, easily given. Everyone should choose a profession to which he has a penchant. Otherwise, he runs the risk of pursuing happiness all his life.

If a person wants to be happy, he needs to make sure that his favorite business brings him money. It is necessary to look for opportunities in order to increase your income without changing the profession chosen at the behest of the soul.

Each person also needs to figure out how much money he needs in order to lead a comfortable and pleasant life. It is to this level of income that one should strive. All people have different needs. It is enough for someone to earn 30 thousand rubles a month in order not to suffer due to lack of money. For others, such income is associated with poverty. To determine your own needs, it’s useful to watch your expenses for some time.

It is also important to accustom yourself to save. The presence of money that will save in an unforeseen situation, gives people peace of mind, instills confidence in them tomorrow. They know that they will not have to sell an apartment and a car if they suddenly lose their jobs.

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