There is nothing wrong with buying some things, but sometimes the financial situation does not allow you to spend money on something unnecessary. Or necessary, but used only once a year. In addition, the room in which you live should not be oversaturated with things. This will create discomfort. I’ll tell you a story about how to save and spend less money on unnecessary things.
My life
A few years ago, I realized that the routine twisted me too much. I am tired of the work that is repeated day after day. However, I had too little accumulation to just abandon it.
In order to dismiss and find a better job, I decided to save up some money. Fortunately, I had no debts, but I did not know how to spend my money correctly. Impulsive shopping was the norm for me. I did not particularly experience financial problems, deciding to suddenly buy a handbag or some kind of gadget. A little later, I began to pay attention to this, and realized that most of the acquired does not bring me pleasure and joy.
And then I decided to save half the monthly salary. I planned that it would help me get rid of the terrible work. This required serious discipline from me, as there was a huge temptation to buy something in the store. Moreover, the larger the amount, the harder it was to restrain. I began to visit restaurants less often, and started selling unnecessary things on special sites.
After a while, I began to feel more confident and comfortable. Especially when I realized that I could soon leave work.
After I saved the amount of money that would have been enough for several months of my life, I began to do casual work. For example, I was engaged in tutoring or helped someone in personal affairs, clean the house or help in the garden. This covered my spending on necessary things: food and personal care products.
Around that time, I stumbled upon the book The Principle of 100 Things. It told how a person changed his whole life, reducing the number of things to 100. Since I wanted to reduce my expenses, I began to follow the advice from the book.
100 things
I started by reducing the number of personal items to 300 pieces. I forbade myself to use my husband’s things. He supported my idea, was not as involved in the process as I was. I did not include kitchen utensils and furniture in the calculation, but I began to count magazines, clothes, and other unnecessary things.
I easily got rid of the first 100 things. I threw out clothes that I did not like, old workbooks and so on. It was easy, but later it became more difficult. Despite the fact that I digitized all the photos, it was hard to say goodbye to the albums. I also got rid of those things that I spent a lot of time choosing, but never put on. As a result, I reduced the number of personal items to 107. After a while I brought the number to 100.
The purpose of this challenge can be called ridding your life of unnecessary things. After all, some of them are of no value, they would have long had to find another owner. I sold all things, except, of course, scribbled notebooks and the like.
After I began to adhere to this rule (no more than 100 things), my expenses were significantly reduced.
Saving on the face. This rule completely changed my spending. When you try to get rid of those things that seemingly are not needed, you begin to think differently. You don’t feel like buying an unnecessary thing, because then you have to get rid of one of the 100 things. Now I only shop when I really need it.My husband also appreciated this, because over the past few years we have been able to close a real estate loan by investing it and my salary.
I advise you to adhere to the rule of 100 things, as your budget will only grow.