Toxic employees are like a time bomb. When the interaction between the bosses and subordinates is broken at different levels, it is these people who enter the game and turn the once-united team into the center of chaos. Another danger is that toxic employees can take over authority and power. That is, others will listen to them, but to the leader.
Features of toxic employees
Where do toxic employees come from? Usually these are people who for some reason are not satisfied with the work. Perhaps conditions, relations with superiors, delayed salaries, lack of bonuses, bonuses, etc. Sometimes it happens that the employee breaks anger at others and becomes toxic due to personal, financial and family problems.
In any case, each leader needs to take care to find a common language with such a subordinate, since any aggravation of the conflict can lead to sad consequences. Believe it or not, one person can ruin the whole business that you have been building for so long. Here are the basic rules for interacting with a toxic employee.
Be patient and keep your composure
A toxic employee will often provoke you into quarrels and conflicts. Once you react aggressively, it will explode immediately. So do not go for a provocation. Remember that you need to defuse tense situations and not aggravate the situation. Practice a calming approach. Keep calm in any situation. Did an employee raise your voice, be rude, or be rude? Call him in your office and ask him to explain the reasons for this behavior. In no case do not show negative emotions.
Speak directly
Disagreements often arise because the manager and the employee have different expectations. For example, a person can work hard to fulfill one duty, and you, as a boss, expect another from him. Simply put, in your tandem the accents are wrong and the measure of success is different for you.
Directly tell the person what you want from him, what he should pay more attention to, and what less. Do not beat around the bush and do not speak in ambiguous hints. This is not a situation where you need to behave like that.
Be consistent
Make sure that you have no favorites in your team. Everyone should be on an equal footing, regardless of who impresses you and who doesn't. Do not discount on friendships, authority or reputation. Always be responsible for your words and deeds, do not adhere to a policy of double standards (this most of all revolts people). When the team will know that the boss is not biased, then toxic employees will cease to exist.
Be active
Try to listen to the words and complaints of the toxic worker to understand what exactly does not suit him. You should be effective not so much in negotiating as in business. Try to put yourself in the place of this person. Think about how you would feel. Are there any objective reasons for his dissatisfaction in his words? If so, then take urgent measures to eliminate these problems. Be active in action, not in words.
Think about dismissal
Some toxic people are such due to individual character traits. That is, in fact, they have no reason to be dissatisfied. They just like to be in the spotlight, and therefore arrange provocations.Think: why do you need such an employee who wants to turn all his attention to his person? What is the use of it in the team? If it is ineffective then consider quitting. Perhaps this decisive step will save your business from imminent death.