
What should not be distracted if we have a remote work: household, cleaning, TV and other joys of household life

Work at home? What could be better! But the home environment is relaxing and attracting more and more new things that seem more important than the new assignment from the boss. But is it worth giving up on such an opportunity? Of course not! You just need to follow some tips.

Put household chores on the back burner

Remote work is not only a cozy home environment, but also endless household chores such as washing dishes, cleaning, and washing. Therefore, it is possible and necessary to forget about them during working hours, deadlines or meetings. In order not to drown in a heap of dirty clothes and not be left without a clean plate, it is important to strictly divide all your time into working and free, that is, follow discipline. The daily routine is very useful here. Yes, it can be boring, but effective! If you compose it once and constantly follow it, then the top of the career ladder will become much closer.

Do not strive for multitasking

Everything is clear without words - it is better to do two things well than ten bad things. Therefore, you should refuse to perform several tasks at the same time, if this is not a habit or a routine adjusted to automatism. And these are not just words, but a scientifically proven fact. Neuroscientists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge, Mass., Have found that managing multiple tasks simultaneously reduces productivity by 40%. It doesn’t matter what kind of business a person does and where he is - in the office or at home. Therefore, it is important at the end or at the beginning of the working day to write a list of tasks that need to be done and divide them into important and secondary.

Abandon Time Eaters

Time is the most valuable resource that every person has, regardless of whether he is rich or poor. Each day the same number of hours is measured. But someone manages to roll mountains during this time, and someone cannot do even basic things. Why?

With the availability of the daily routine and task lists, there is no time left for unnecessary things. But there are traps in the form of social networks, TV and the next series of your favorite series with an unexpected ending, that you just want to drop everything and run to these "time eaters". To prevent this from happening, you should find time for them in your daily routine. Let it be a kind of rest during the lunch break.

Use apps that increase productivity

There are many productivity apps that help turn off notifications, determine how much time is spent on work, and manage meetings and due dates. This can be not only applications from the online store of the corresponding operating system, but also ordinary, standard applications that are even in the oldest phone models, not to mention modern smartphones of the latest version.

  • The timer will help to devote as much time to the project as needed. You just need to enable the countdown before you start.
  • The calendar will help you not to forget about important meetings, meetings and birthdays of relatives and colleagues.
  • Notes are indispensable if you need to write something important right now, but there is no paper or pen at hand.
  • Cloud storage is not just a place where you can store photos that are sweet to your heart, but also a way to share important files with colleagues and make corrections online. They will instantly become visible to everyone who has access to these documents.

Arrange with household

If the implementation of the previous paragraphs depends on the person himself, then there is one point on which we depend. These are family members.And the smaller they are, the harder it is to agree with them. But it is possible. First of all, every member of the family must understand that working at home is the same work as in the office, and wages depend on its quality. As for young children, you can work when they sleep or play. But in no case do you need to distract them thanks to gadgets. It’s best to think over several games in advance that the child can play on his own. These are designers, puzzles, coloring books, role-playing games.

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