
The man pretended to be homeless: everyone who offered help received $ 20

There are many generous people in the world, but which of us did not pass by the beggar or the homeless, who are often found on the street? But this "homeless" shocked people who wanted to give him a helping hand ...

The man decided to conduct a social experiment

A participant in the Big Dow show decided to conduct a social experiment instead of his usual jokes: he put on his old hat, a shabby T-shirt and picked up a cardboard sign asking for help.

On a working day, he sat on a busy street, and simply held a sign in his hands, waiting for what would happen next. Most people simply passed by, and someone openly condemned the young man, advised him to get a job, and not ask for money on the street.

Unexpected turn

People passing by simply did not know what this young man was planning: he was going to give $ 20 to everyone who would stop and offer help to the homeless. What could this help be any: someone could give money, someone just stop and talk, support a person in need with a warm word. Just a good deed to support the needy.

Over time, several people still stopped: someone just talked to the "homeless", and someone even gave him some money. One of the passersby not only gave money, but even told the man his story that he had recently left a shelter for the homeless.

When the man, in response to the kindness of passersby, gave them $ 20 each, people were very confused, but he explained his act very simply: for their help he returned their money to them and gave a small present in the form of $ 20.

An unexpected act touched people

These generous people who did not spare money for the homeless, in the end received more, and at the same time were very moved and inspired by such a surprise.

In fact, very little money for us can make a difference for the homeless. And even when you help not with money, but with a kind word and a smile, for someone it costs more than you can imagine.

Some studies show that helping others is good for our health and emotional state. And the man, in turn, hopes that those who received from him $ 20, next time also will not pass by the homeless.

On the same day, a man saw a woman on the street who, like him, was asking for money from passers-by. He approached her, decided to take a break from his social experiment in order to find out her story. The woman said that she was homeless and was looking for work. The emotions from the story captured the man so much that he left her with money in his hands and tears in his eyes.

And one of the passersby, who also stopped near the "homeless", really wanted to help, but he had absolutely no money. Then he simply shook hands, and recited a small prayer. It looked very moving, and when he finished, he also received his $ 20 reward. At the same time, he did everything with such sincerity and gleam in his eyes that it was clear how the passer-by was really worried and wanted to help.

After this experiment, the man urges everyone to be a little kinder and more responsive to each other. After all, each of us can change someone’s day.

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