
A man could not afford an expensive gadget, so he himself created a translator in real time to overcome the language barrier at work

The man, who will be discussed in the article, worked in a team of software developers. He spoke English, but his colleagues used one of the dialects of the Chinese language. If a guy asked to say something in English, then they translated him, but all the same, the dialogue continued to be conducted in an unfamiliar language.


The man remembered that the Google service has a special application to facilitate a conversation in real time. But such a translator would cost too much, so I decided to make my own utility. It is good that he is a programmer and technology was not an unfamiliar sphere for him.

The guy posted on Twitter the process of work, described the nuances of the application, as the whole world knew about him. The project works when using headphones with a microphone. Built-in voice synthesizer. The man also added a voice recognition function, which is really impressive. He is a true specialist. Thanks to the built-in algorithms, this application can also be used by the deaf.

Additional function

The man does not stop there. He also introduced a special function in the application that allows you to recognize unknown terms. If the algorithm recognizes a word of a certain subject, then when you click on it, a person will receive relevant information. This will be useful when using business slang.


This application is able to work with any wired and wireless headphones, if they have a microphone. I believe that this utility will undoubtedly be useful to people. Of course, it will not replace real knowledge of the language, as sometimes the translation directly depends on the context, but it will facilitate simple conversations between representatives of different countries. I think that in the future this application will become popular among web users.

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