
Sleep mask, earplugs, breathing exercises and other effective techniques that helped me to establish a regimen and become more productive

Almost every person in different periods of his life faces problems during falling asleep. Such difficulties impede physical and mental health. Relatively recently, I faced constant insomnia, which negatively affected my relationships with relatives and productivity at work. But using some simple methods, I was able to cope with this problem, significantly improving my mode, well-being and mood.

1. Use earplugs

I always sleep very sensitively, so I wake up literally from the slightest rustle. If my dog ​​went to another room at night, this was always accompanied by an interruption in my sleep. I easily dealt with this problem using the usual earplugs called earplugs.

Only special plugs designed for sleep should be selected. They are incredibly soft and pleasant, so it is impossible to feel discomfort during sleep.

2. Hang blackout curtains

Sometimes the reason for insomnia is that moonlight enters the room, making it difficult to sleep. I easily coped with this problem by buying thick and dark curtains, which I use to curtain the window in the evening.

If you do not want to buy long and heavy curtains, you can use blinds. In the daytime, they give the opportunity to enter the room in the sun, and when closed they form a twilight.

3. Close your eyes with a mask

Sometimes, even when my windows are darkened, I still cannot fall asleep. This is usually due to stress at work or problems in personal life.

To relax and forget about the problems, I use a high-quality eye mask, which I put on in bed just before bedtime. As a result, I relax well and calmly fall asleep.

4. Use nutritional supplements

There are some products that promote relaxation. Additionally, there are many dietary supplements on the market, but before using them it is important to seek the advice of a doctor.

5. Learn how to breathe

I regularly use the Andrew Weil technique, as it allows you to relax well and enjoy a long and sound sleep. To do this, inhale air through the nose for 4 seconds. Next, hold your breath for 7 seconds. Then, exhale through the mouth for 8 seconds.

This technique reduces heart rate and blood pressure. It is such changes in the body that contribute to relaxation and peace, which is important for any person suffering from insomnia.

6. Explore your dream

Some clinics in different cities offer a special study to determine why there are problems with a comfortable, long and sound sleep. Researchers will be able to determine how deeply a person falls asleep, what he wakes up from, and how his body’s indicators change during sleep.

Based on the results, it will be possible to adhere to several tips to get rid of insomnia and improve sleep quality.

7. Use aromatherapy

I regularly use this effective method, since it not only allows you to establish a dream, but also gives you the opportunity to relax, enjoy the pleasant aroma and increase the comfort of being in the apartment.

Before going to bed, you need to use special essential oils.They contain chemicals that, when breathed, are absorbed into the bloodstream and have a physiological effect on the body. To combat insomnia, you need to take soothing compounds, which include lavender, sandalwood, tangerine, blue tansy or frankincense.

Some companies even produce lavender patches that need to be glued to the hand to breathe in a pleasant and soothing scent throughout the night. You can even make a lavender bag that fits under the pillow. With the help of such a pleasant smell, you can fully sleep and calm down.


If you have trouble falling asleep, you can use several effective methods to deal with insomnia. These methods help me well, so I do not wake up in the middle of the night and do not toss and turn half the night from one side to the other.

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