
People will come: 4 smart ways to increase traffic to your business site

The fashion for corporate sites has been quiet for several years under the onslaught of social media. Popular social media sites demonstrate new opportunities for communication with customers, showing the effectiveness of basic product promotion. Nevertheless, experts still point to the value of a business site as the main way to represent a company on the Web. Another thing is that many managers do not keep up with the trends and development of this resource, as a result of losing a considerable share of potentially interested visitors. The tips discussed below will help to make your site more attractive and increase the company's sales due to traffic.

1. Optimization

A basic set of tools, the quality of use of which directly affects the interaction of Internet users with the site through search engines. Optimization is carried out in several directions, but the main goal is to achieve the correct editing of the content according to the requirements of the search engine. The most acceptable for business is the largest search engine Google, which has recently been actively working on the practice of penalties for unscrupulous sites that use "black" SEO optimization methods.

So, now it’s worth considering what exactly can be done to the owner of a business portal in terms of its optimization:

  • Front page. You need to start with a description of the site and basic information about the company.
  • Rational use of keywords in the text. The balance of the use of words and phrases is important, according to which the conditional user can find the site through the same Google.
  • Structuring content. By itself, the text on the pages should be easy to read, have headings and paragraphing.
  • Using tags. A very useful way of finding information internally on designated categories and topics.

2. Integration with social networks

The importance of social media for business has already been noted. Obviously, in a common space they can be combined with the site. Firstly, both sides should contain links to all corporate resources of the company. Secondly, relevant information should be published about each launch of a new resource or update. For example, if the site has undergone radical changes, it is quite possible to notify subscribers on the pages of social networks where the company is represented.

3. Introduction of mailing practices

If before, paper leaflets and brochures played an important role in advertising, today emails containing advertising and informational information perform this function. Having a database with user contacts, you can offer them a subscription to their channels and blogs. Also, do not limit yourself to advertising. Although it is desirable to make the addresses concise, it will not be out of place to integrate a few general tips and recommendations into the general message in the context of choosing or using products offered by the company.

4. Traffic monitoring

Already in the first weeks and months after the introduction of new site maintenance rules, one can expect an increase in the influx of visitors. But the number of visits alone is not the ultimate goal. It is important to understand what kind of people came, what information they are interested in and what basic characteristics they possess. This is an analysis of the audience, which will help develop a further strategy for promoting products - possibly with elements of personalization of purchases.


Do not forget about the outside interests of people who were already interested. One of the significant differences between a website or a corporate blog from social networks is the limited opportunities for feedback from visitors.At the same time, it is on the site that the possibilities of real practical assistance to the company's customers are much greater. The main thing is to correctly approach the organization of this function. To do this, a support service is created, the list of tasks of which includes not only informational, but also consulting assistance.

Today, on many sites, you can see consultant bots, but they will not be able to give really important help in solving complex issues. It is advisable not to save on qualified operators who can quickly help the client in solving the problem. By the way, there are cases when weak competitors bypassed their rivals in the market precisely due to a more careful approach to serving their customers.

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