This is a story of real friendship between a man and his dog. A story of pain, hardship and loss with an unexpectedly bright and happy ending. This is clear evidence that animals are infinitely loyal to their owners and remember about them, no matter how many years of separation.
Friendship under the bullets
Sergeant Jason Bos was sent to serve in Iraq, where he was assigned a dog named Strength. The dog was trained in everything that a fighting dog should know, she had all the best working qualities, but her character was complex. Jason was not the first to work with the Force, but no one had succeeded before. No one was able to establish contact with the animal so that it was possible to go on a combat mission.
The Force did not immediately accept its new partner, but Jason was very fond of dogs, knew their habits well and gradually gained the confidence of the Force. Very soon they became close friends. The co-workers were amazed at how strong their bond became, and how unconditionally they trusted each other. They were sent to the most difficult tasks, from which a man and a dog always came out victorious. The conditions of service were difficult, but Strength and Jason coped with everything with dignity and were in the best account of the authorities.
Forced separation
During one of the sorties into the enemy camp, Sergeant Bos was seriously injured in the back. He was admitted to a local hospital, but they decided to send the soldier to his homeland, in Michigan. He could no longer serve, the injury was too dangerous. Jason left the base, not even having time to say goodbye to his faithful workmate Force.
The next two years, he constantly remembered the dog. She continued to serve, but there was no concrete news of her. Jason had only to hope that the dog was alive and everything was fine with her. He constantly monitored the development of the military conflict in the news, realizing that his four-legged friend was now there, under bullets, risking his life every day.
Together again
Two years later, a telephone call rang in Jason's house. He was informed from the military department that the Force was officially retired and that he could take it to himself if he wishes. Jason did not believe his ears, he immediately agreed. The next few days, while paperwork was in progress, he did not find a place for himself. Jason was sure that the Force remembered him, just as he had never forgotten about it.
At the airport, a lot of people watched a meeting of a man and a dog. The force had a wonderful 9-hour flight and was ready to see her friend. Of course, the dog did not suspect that she was waiting.
Seeing Jason, she rushed to him and began to lick his face. Jason was also glad, he could not restrain his emotions, it was pure happiness, without exaggeration. Everyone who watched this scene was moved, many cried.
The Force now lives with its master, and both of them are incredibly happy. They deserve this opportunity to be there after everything they went through together. A man and a dog showed everyone an example of true friendship, which is not afraid of harsh conditions, fear of death and other trials. Love and appreciate your four-legged friends, they are sincere with you and are ready for anything in order to just be near.