When you go to the supermarket for groceries, you need to remain especially vigilant. Otherwise, you risk returning home with an empty wallet. The fact is that marketers are not in vain getting money for their work. They come up with such tricks and tricks that make us fill the supermarket trolley with various goods and products that we were not going to buy at all. And here is how they do it.
Red price tags
Red color most attracts attention. In people, it is associated with something important, urgent, something that cannot be ignored. Have you noticed that the words “Discount”, “Price reduced”, etc. are usually written on the red price tags? That is why this color is already firmly fixed in our minds as one that encourages us to buy goods at low cost.
Do you know how they do in some supermarkets? They simply put red price tags without a discount on expensive goods. A person, having lost his vigilance, immediately puts the thing in the basket, thinking that he purchased it at a good discount.
Big trolleys
The trolley appeared in 1938, and since then its size has doubled. Volumes significantly exceed the volumes of the average “consumer basket”, but buyers do not notice this. Subconsciously, we do not like to see a half-empty cart, so we try to quickly fill it with goods. As a result, at the checkout we do not have enough hands to bring all purchases to the house or to the car.
Vegetables and fruits at the entrance
This tricky trick works on the basis of human weaknesses. First, we allow ourselves to buy the “right and healthy” products, which include vegetables and fruits. And then, in the direction of the store, we allow ourselves to be pampered with chips, ice cream, alcohol, etc. But if the same wine were in the beginning, we would have a smaller amount.
Dairy products at the end of the hall
Dairy products are in greatest demand among buyers of any social level, so they are placed at the end of the trading floor. What for? Then, so that we had to go around the entire store to find them. Well, along the way, buy a bunch more ...
"Fresh" vegetables and fruits
These products have been in the warehouse for a long time, but they are specially waxed or sprayed with water to give a marketable appearance. And we have the impression that we are buying the freshest, almost from the garden.
At the entrance, goods are usually located that awaken our appetite with their aroma. For example, fresh pastries, confectionery, etc. The feeling of hunger forces us to sweep everything off the shelves.
Movement speed
In departments with more expensive goods, the floor is covered with finer tiles, so the trolley begins to rattle when walking. We are forced to slow down, and at the same time take a closer look at products at a high price.
Typically, in supermarkets, racks are arranged according to this principle so that a person walks around the store counterclockwise. Otherwise, you won’t get to the ticket office. Accordingly, we are constantly forced to turn left. And here lies the main trick: when turning, our eyes fall on the middle of the rack, which is on the right. It is on these shelves that the goods that need to be sold in the first place are located. For example, with an expiring expiration date. Or put the most expensive goods here. In general, all merchandisers know that these shelves are considered "gold." Keep this in mind when heading to the market.
Complicated prices
Carefully read the price tag before buying.For example, seeing the price of "999", we do not even have time to realize that we are spending the same thousand rubles. It’s just that consciousness signals that this product, for example, cannot be with three-digit numbers, so we immediately buy it. Only then we understand that we didn’t save much.
Also pay attention to the strikeouts: they say, the old value and the new value. The old price is usually written in very small prints, and the new one is gigantic. If you are not too lazy and compare them, then you can see that ten cents have been lost to you. And sometimes they write an inflated old price, which did not exist at all, so that you feel the difference. As a result, you buy a thing at its usual price, thinking that you saved a lot.
Cheap products
Everything on the shelves at eye level is the most expensive. You can find cheap counterparts on the top or bottom shelves. And, believe me, their quality will be no worse. They’re just hiding them from us.