Most parents probably would not want their teenage children to sit on the couch playing games during the summer holidays until September. And here, a good way out would be a summer part-time job that would allow a son or daughter to buy, for example, fashionable clothes and shoes, rather than wait for presents from dad and mom. In addition, this idea has another advantage in the form of teenagers gaining experience in dealing with finances. Experts talked about the lessons that they can learn from summer part-time jobs.
10 percent rule
This rule is not an innovation, but it has worked great since the time of grandparents. It contains a recommendation that out of every salary at least 10% should be set aside in a bank account. Practice shows that those people who begin to abide by this rule in adolescence adhere to it throughout their lives.
Over time, this becomes a habit and becomes a life principle that allows, at a certain age, to form an airbag that will never be superfluous. After all, life is full of surprises, and anything can happen. And for several years, a substantial amount can run into a deposit account, taking into account bank interest.
Value of labor
Having earned his own money over the summer, a teenager will feel the difference between what he receives from his parents, without making much effort, and what he earned with his work, sometimes very difficult. Thus, the young man’s frivolous attitude to finances will be adjusted, and he will form an adequate attitude to money. After all, he realizes that for their sake he had to make some restrictions, and maybe sacrifices, which naturally will make it possible to feel the value of the work he has invested.
Independent problem solving
The teenager's summer work is an ideal environment in which you can learn how to solve problems on your own. This will be an invaluable experience for them, which will certainly be needed in adulthood. Of course, if something doesn’t work at the child’s work and he seeks advice from his parents, he needs help.
But this does not mean that you should give ready-made recipes, how to get out of this situation. It is worth considering with him several approaches to solving the problem and provide the right to choose. Then he will feel personal responsibility and will learn to think and make decisions independently.
The Importance of Budgeting
Understanding this point may be one of the most important lessons learned by teenagers during the summer job. On the one hand, it may seem that this is an obvious thing, but on the other hand there are a considerable number of adults who neglect planning in their household.
When a child makes his own money, the problem of budgeting will appear before him personally. Having started to resolve it, he will acquire the first skills, and there is a high probability that this will lay the foundation for his future correct approach to personal finances.
Experience with colleagues
The summer work of a teenager is also useful in the sense that he learns proper behavior in a team of employees. Here he can show his positive qualities and abilities, hear praise or, conversely, criticize, analyze the situation and draw conclusions for the future.
The young man will learn to observe the working schedule, respect for colleagues and leadership, the ability to obey and work hard.And he can also learn what qualities an employee must have in order to get a promotion and have a higher salary.
Thus, summer work for a teenager is useful not only in obtaining financial rewards, but also in gaining valuable life experience.