
When locked in or became embittered around the world: 5 signs of emotional burnout at work

An intensive workflow without systematic relaxation amid fatigue and sleep disturbances is a direct path to burnout. The danger of this condition lies in the fact that many workers are not always able to make a decision in time to reduce the pace of their work. As a result, a depressive state develops and there is already an obvious need to seek medical help.

In order to prevent such a development of events, it is important to periodically listen to your body, which can give clear signs of emotional burnout. About them and will be discussed below.

1. Decreased motivation and indifference

This symptom is especially pronounced in productive and creative workers in contrast to their typical behavior. Usually they enthusiastically generate ideas, engage creative thinking and strive to achieve new successes in professional activities.

Emotional burnout, in turn, is accompanied by apathy with a lack of interest in work and creative activity. The person also disappears and the desire to be active in the domestic sphere, as relatives can notice.

2. Irritability

Psychological exhaustion at work stimulates a negative attitude towards everything around. The nervous system approaches the point beyond which the most insignificant reason may be the reason for expressing anger. At work, conflicts can arise out of the blue, and family quarrels become commonplace at home.

3. Self-enclosure

A general decrease in vitality makes a person not only tired, but also leads to social isolation. Again, these signs are especially evident in contrast to the previous style of behavior. For example, if an employee used to be sociable and friendly, and for some time has become laconic and withdrawn, this may indicate emotional burnout.

At the same time, introverts, which by nature differ in their detachment from the surrounding world, on the contrary, may show an uncharacteristic tendency to communicate.

4. Errors in work

Many businessmen with an increased sense of responsibility for the benefit of the company try to work not only without holidays, but also without days off. But experts consider this approach wrong, not only because of harm to health, but also because of practical unjustification. People in a state of emotional burnout can make simple mistakes only by virtue of a decrease in concentration and attention. The overall productivity and quality of the functions performed are falling. What can we say about the value of making crucial decisions for the company.

5. Physical signs

Do not underestimate the symptoms of physical properties. Not only the feeling of fatigue, but also headaches, exacerbation of chronic diseases, lack of appetite, etc. will tell about emotional burnout. It seems to many that these symptoms are temporary and due to the current overload at work.

Perhaps it is. But if they appear even after a few days of rest, it is most likely a question of chronic fatigue and emotional burnout.

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