It is not uncommon when two people at the same income level manage their money differently. Why can one of them save money and at the same time maintain a decent standard of living, and the other must survive until the next salary? We believe that one of the solutions is knowledge of marketing hype and the ability not to fall into the traps of stores.
We are sure that it’s easier to tidy up your own finances when you know the marketing hooks that we come across again and again in the ocean of the consumer market. We will present you 9 of them.
1. Contextual advertising in social networks
Mobile versions of Facebook have access to the microphones of phones, and they can listen to our conversations in standby mode even with the screen off. This trick is used for contextual advertising.
Thus, companies are trying to determine our decisions in advance and provoke us to buy.
2. In combination with cheap goods, we buy expensive
Many manufacturers attract customers with popular things that can be purchased for little money. But if you want to buy another product, for example, choose a kit, you will notice that it costs much more.
Or a method that is often used in online sales. You learned about a mini-style workshop that you have been interested in for a long time, and it's also free. But you only get the first three classes for free. The subsequent course, in which you find everything you need, will cost you a considerable amount. In addition, the company already has your data and will now show you advertising on all your resources.
3. Promotion of “one item per person”
This trick is used by many supermarkets. This restriction on purchases attracts the attention of customers and sometimes even causes frenzy around the sales of a particular product. When the buyer is clearly told that such a product cannot be sold more than once to one person, he begins to perceive it as unique, desired and will try to get it. Often in such promotions are items that simply lie a lot of time in the warehouse and should be sold as soon as possible.
4. The rule of placement of goods
When items are arranged in pyramids and decorated with clear prices, sales are stimulated. The buyer perceives this as a stock and is in a hurry to take advantage of "advantageous" offers. Such a move is often used in expired products, so it would not hurt to check their validity.
5. Funny price tags
Large and bright posters on the shelves and funny pictures on the price tags can increase sales. This trick affects our emotions, and we are not ready to miss what generates a positive charge. As a result, the buyer acquires the goods he likes, since the purchase is an emotional process.
6. If at first we bought something healthy, then we are ready to purchase something more harmful
Often, at the entrance to supermarkets, the buyer encounters healthy foods: vegetables, fruits, and dairy products. This was not done by chance: the more money a person spends on them, the stronger is the perceived “legal right” to buy something tasty, but not very healthy. This is a compensation strategy, which is defined as a "reward" with which a person is rewarded for making the right choice. And as a result, the least healthy foods can eat a significant portion of our monthly budget.
7. Product sales announcements increase sales
We often come across announcements about final sales on the occasion of the closure of the store.We tend to think that there we will probably be able to buy something at an affordable price. If for us the priority is the issue of the cost of goods, and other functions are less important, then perhaps it is worth taking advantage of the proposal. But if the issue of price is not of paramount importance, then perhaps you should not rush, as often this is how stores try to sell unpopular items.
8. Creating a sense of scarcity
For marketers, human weaknesses and pressure points are well known, therefore, referring to a potential buyer, many of them remind us of any of our personal shortcomings. This may relate to forms of appearance, relationships with children or spouses, culinary weaknesses, level of knowledge of a foreign language, etc. The main thing is to be able to distinguish the flow of messages that really are related to us and not give in to manipulation.
9. Money to your account as a gift
Many online stores, during discounts or on the eve of a customer’s birthday, give him a coupon that he can use to buy at the store. The essence of this trick is that such a coupon has a rather limited expiration date, which makes us feel urgent. Fearing that the gift will expire, we make impulsive purchases.