
When it is difficult for me to concentrate on work, I do 3 simple exercises. It really works

Fatigue, lack of sleep, personal problems - these and other factors often prevent us from achieving concentration. What to do if you can’t concentrate on the work that needs to be done urgently? When I encounter a similar problem, three simple exercises come to my aid.

Watch your breath

This is not a call to do breathing exercises. To focus on work, you must devote some time to observing how you breathe. Exercise helps you achieve concentration in minutes.

To do it, sit down so that you are as comfortable as possible. Focus on your breath. Watch how air enters your nostrils, fills your lungs. Watch how you exhale.

This exercise is not easy for beginners. From time to time thoughts will appear in your head that distract you from observation. Do not worry about this, just drive them away and return to the exercise.

Take a walk

To perform this exercise, also aimed at achieving concentration, it is not at all necessary to go outside. You can also go to your office. Focus on how you walk. Pay attention to your walk, change it. Concentrate on the sensations that you experience when walking, on the touch of the sole to the surface.

The effectiveness of this exercise can be improved. If you have the opportunity, walk a few minutes barefoot. If you take off your shoes, it will be easier for you to focus on your feelings, free your head from extraneous thoughts.

Body scan

To complete the third exercise to increase concentration, arm yourself with an imaginary flashlight. With it, you can mentally scan your entire body.

Start with your toes, then move higher. Pay attention to what you feel during the imaginary scan. It can be fever, cold, tingling. Continue the exercise until you reach your head. Scan this area with extreme care. When you are done, note that your ability to concentrate has increased significantly.


To achieve the best results, these exercises must be performed regularly, and not only when important and urgent work is ahead. I devote this to just a few minutes a day. Every day it becomes easier and easier for me to focus on current affairs.

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