
What color is your wallet? He can talk about your financial condition.

The colors that you unknowingly choose when shopping reflect your way of thinking that affects your financial well-being. Especially indicative in this regard is the wallet. Look at the pictures and compare them with your wallet. The results will help you learn about yourself something that you have not noticed before.


It is considered the color of luck in Feng Shui. Symbolizes the element of fire. Some people believe that the best color for the wallet is not found. However, some Feng Shui experts warn that purchasing a red wallet can make you spend money faster than usual.

Black and blue

Black and blue colors represent water. According to feng shui, water is one of the factors related to financial well-being. This is a negative sign. The most dangerous is black. It is believed that the owner of a black wallet financial successes are waning and there are negative emotions associated with money.


Green color refers to natural elements. It represents growth, fertility and vitality. It is a color that attracts luck. Purchasing such a wallet can open up many possibilities. Green is considered a symbol of good luck for business people. It stimulates the generation of new ideas and enhances creativity.

Yellow, brown, beige

The listed colors and their shades personify the earth. They are considered symbols of financial stability. Suitable for those who want to learn how to save money and improve their financial condition through competent budget planning. If you are an investor or are constantly forced to make important decisions about spending money, select the wallet of one of the proposed colors to attract good luck.

White, Gray, Silver, Golden

These are the shades that are used to create metallic coated wallets. These shades safely affect the financial sector. It is believed that it is easier for the owners of such wallets to save the accumulated amounts and increase them. If you want to create or maintain a stable source of income, pay attention to the purses of the listed colors to make your financial well-being lasting.

Be careful when choosing a wallet. It should not only be aesthetic and practical, but also attract good luck thanks to the right colors. This way you will increase your chances of success and not worry about things that you might not be lucky with.

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