Office romances happen all the time, and when this happens, three outcomes are possible: the relationship ends with a break, and your reputation and career are at risk; everything is over between you, but you do not allow this to affect your work; relations are developing safely. According to a survey, 36% of employees admitted to having a romantic relationship with a colleague, and a third of their work relationships led to marriage. It all depends on you.
Jacqueline Smith shared the story from personal experience. Now she is married to her colleague, whom they started dating before working together. According to her, their relationship was saved by the fact that the lovers followed certain rules, the list of which is presented below.
Do not hurry
National Labor Expert Lynn Taylor suggests trying to make friends in and around the office before taking any steps. Sometimes people behave differently at work than in their personal lives. Before you risk your reputation, find out if you really want to spend the weekend with this person.
Check out company policies
Contact your supervisor to find out if there are any restrictions regarding relationships with colleagues. Even if they are not, find out how your superiors relate to official romances. If they often happen at work, then everything is fine.
Do not talk about relationships right away
No need to send an email with news about you and your new partner. People may not care, or they may think that this is inappropriate and disgusting. It’s better to discuss this situation with your partner to decide how to tell your colleagues about your romance.
Be more professional
Agree with a partner to follow some basic rules and develop a plan for how you will maintain professionalism. Think about what you can do if gossip comes to the head.
Treat others with respect
Focus on the work and do it carefully, especially if you want to get rid of rumors. Nobody wants to hear about how much you are in love with each other or where you went last weekend. Leave these stories to family and friends outside of work. Talking about relationships can distract or discomfort colleagues.
Avoid love disputes at work
No one should know about your family odds. It is difficult for people to concentrate on open office premises, technological devices, short terms and discontented bosses. Imagine what will happen if two lovers' colleagues who quarrel over trifles add to this. In addition, it is completely unprofessional to complain about personal relationships at work.
Do not let disagreements affect your career
This is one of the most difficult rules. What happens at home or in your personal life almost always affects both relationships and work. Try your best to prevent your disagreements with your partner from affecting your attitude to colleagues or your decisions.
Focus on work
Pretend you are not dating this person. Do not get involved in long conversations, two-hour dinners, messaging with your partner when you need to work on projects or prepare for meetings.
Save flirty correspondence and emails
Be careful when sending an e-mail to your lover.If it accidentally gets to your bosses and his proxies, then they can use it as evidence in a court case, where you can be accused of sexual harassment.
Do not talk about work at home
This is a guarantee of a successful relationship. Separate personal life from work. Of course, you and your partner work together among the same people, possibly on the same projects, so the temptation often arises at home - to discuss this. But not worth it. If you do so, then your life will be connected with work, which will negatively affect your relationship or career. You can discuss the problem on the way home.
Think about what you will do next.
It often happens that relationships reach a new level and one of the partners decides to quit so that the romance does not interfere with work. Because of this, many companies prohibit starting a relationship with colleagues, and also do not hire couples and relatives. If you still want to work together, then be careful. Do not let relationships ruin your reputation.