
How to work on yourself and remain successful in your career? 5 tips from a personal trainer

Many people experience personality crises. In such periods, a person is dissatisfied with himself and others, he has a depressed emotional state and apathy. The cause of this can be problems in the family, severe illness of a loved one, as well as age-related changes. Women are particularly prone to such experiences. In such periods, it is very difficult to work and build a career. How to stay successful in difficult moments of life? Here are some tips from Melody Wilding. This is a personal trainer that helps people overcome personal crises.

Share your concerns with caution

When we are going through hard times, we really want to share our problems with others. Indeed, in such moments we need support. However, if we are talking about colleagues at work or bosses, then you need to share your experiences very carefully. Before telling others about your difficult situation, weigh all the pros and cons of such frankness.

For example, if you have any health problems, then it is advisable to tell management and colleagues about this. You may need to take time off from work to see a doctor.

Consider the features of your work team. If it is customary among your colleagues to talk about your personal affairs, then you can share your problem. But be prepared for others to ask you questions. Think in advance what you are willing to discuss and what you want to keep secret.

If in your team it is not customary to discuss personal matters, then refrain from talking about your problems. If you need real and concrete help, then contact the management directly or the personnel department.

Set boundaries with loved ones

To overcome the crisis, you will have to set some restrictions even for close people. This primarily relates to your working time. For example, your family and friends may call you at work. You must tell them what time it will be convenient for you to talk. You also need to tell your loved ones what emergency situations they can call during business hours. Otherwise, calls will become a serious distraction.

Take care of yourself

If you are experiencing a personal crisis, then treat yourself with care. Do not be afraid to take time away from work to cope with your difficult mental state. You can take a short vacation, this will help you recover. If the crisis dragged on, then you should think about working from home.

Overcoming the crisis should be your priority. It will benefit your career in the long run. After working from home or a short rest, you will return to the office, rested, and with renewed vigor begin your duties.

Treat yourself with compassion

During personal crises, your productivity and performance may drop dramatically. Do not blame or rebuke yourself. Treat yourself with compassion and understanding. After all, the loss of productivity during a crisis is a temporary phenomenon. Try to perform those tasks that you can do.

Plan your work. If you are going to complete a large project, then break it into small parts. If you succeed in solving small problems, this will be a good motivation for further achievements.

Take help

Feel free to contact your company for help.Many organizations offer their employees various services that help them more easily bear the financial and emotional burden of the crisis. This may be legal advice, psychological assistance, coaching.

If you have a seriously ill family member, you can discuss the possibility of remote work with management. You can also ask your boss to provide you with a flexible schedule. This will help you combine work with solving your personal problems.


Personal crises happen in every person. You can overcome them only by long and hard work on yourself. To stay successful in your career, you need to get out of the crisis as soon as possible. If you often feel dissatisfied with yourself, depression and apathy, then these are quite alarming signs. You should pay attention to your state of mind. Otherwise, the crisis will develop into a prolonged depression.

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