We all heard the expressions “Rostov-papa” and “Odessa-mama”. For quite some time, these two cities were considered the most criminal in the entire Russian Empire and the Soviet Union. An interesting fact is that the “pearl by the sea" has always been the leader. Odessa gangsters at all times were distinguished by ingenuity and enterprise. What are the legendary authorities of the city, the fame of which has survived to our time.
Two cities
Rostov was founded by order of Elizabeth Petrovna in 1749. The city immediately became the center of the criminal world. Of course, criminal elements were everywhere. But local swindlers entangled their entire Rostov with their networks.
Odessa was founded in 1794 by Empress Catherine II. The city appeared later than Rostov, but immediately took a leading position. Very quickly, all of Odessa was overwhelmed with criminal elements.
Both cities were large ports, so trade was actively developing here, which was invariably accompanied by fraud, scams and fraud. Odessa attracted merchants and merchants, as it had the status of a duty-free city. Actors, musicians and bohemians came here. The city accepted everyone, therefore it was called mother.
Earlier, Odessa was hospitably thrown open by Rostov, who was older, and therefore gained the status of pope.
Significant turnover of the city attracted numerous criminal elements who preferred to settle in a suburb called Moldavanka. Over time, dens, brothels and gambling houses appeared here. A wealthy southern city has gained a unique flavor thanks to the multinational population. Local bandits were resourceful and creative. They did not like brute force and preferred to do without sacrifices. Here the code of honor of the underworld was born, which later spread throughout the country.
The city remembers the legendary criminals who became its real pride. This is Bear Jap, Sonya Gold Handle, Bear Hawk, Yushka Blyumkin, Fedka Bull.
According to historians, people who fled from other areas from the authorities, the police or landowners settled on the territory of Rostov. They called themselves Cossacks. During her reign, Catherine asked the Cossacks to protect the border areas from Turkish raids.
The local population in response asked for an amnesty. So Rostov became a “dad” for all free people. Gradually, many criminal elements appeared in the city. Here were their legendary personalities.
Instead of an afterword
To understand the color of Rostov and Odessa, you need to visit them. Only then will you be able to feel the unique atmosphere of these cities and understand why one of them received the prefix in the name "mother", and the second - "father". Their story is incredibly interesting and rich in events that played a significant role in the life of the whole country.