Self-determination is a matter that receives little attention. This leads to the fact that recent graduates of schools can not decide on a profession and for a long time are in search or make an unconscious choice, which they later regret. Few people manage at a young age to choose a profession for life, so they have to be content with hated work.
Here are some ways to help those who don’t know how to find their profession choose if they don’t feel any calling.
Career counseling
Guidance on career counseling can actually be helpful. Try to contact a professional who is well versed in this matter. Even if a conversation with him does not give you a specific answer, you can at least decide on the direction in which to move on. This is much better than just sitting and waiting for your insight to descend on you.
Open Day
Such events are often held at universities. Avoid visiting them. Open door days can be incredibly useful for those who are in search of calling. You will come across like-minded people, mentors, teachers, professors. All people with the knowledge you need will gather in one place.
If you ask one of your friends who is also looking for a calling, you can get a lot of useful tips. Perhaps your friend has already decided on a profession and can now share valuable information with you.
So, find among your comrades those who are also in the process of choosing a profession or who have recently passed this stage of life. It will be good if you manage to interview several people at once. The more information you collect, the better.
Dating apps
This is a very unusual way to determine your vocation. However, no one bothers you to try it, if the search for an interesting profession for you is still not completed.
Traditionally, dating applications are used by single people who want to meet a partner. You can use them to get impartial advice from a complete stranger. Ask him questions about his professional life.
If you think that he has a head on his shoulders, invite him on a date, and then unload all his career problems on him. Do not let you care that they find you strange. You are not here to make friends.