If you know which currencies are the strongest in the money world, then this knowledge will help you protect your own savings from constant fluctuations in the exchange rate that is daily recorded on the world's major exchanges.
As a rule, the strongest currencies in the world are those that have a high value in world markets, as well as which are used in international transactions. These currencies usually have strong support and constant stability in the financial markets.
Recently, in the company of friends, a dispute arose over various world currencies. And a friend who has been working at the bank for a long time has put all the points on i.
U.S. dollar
All people who deal with money know that this is one of the most popular currencies in the world. It was introduced as the currency of international transactions after the Second World War (in 1944). Since then, the US dollar has become a major reserve in many large and developing countries.
The euro has appeared relatively recently. But despite the fact that it was launched on January 1, 2002, at present it is a widely known and frequently used currency.
It is the second most widely distributed monetary unit in the world in terms of turnover after the US dollar. In many countries around the world it is used as the base and trading currency, which can replace the dollar.
Japanese yen
The birth of currency falls on 1874. The Japanese yen is especially popular in Asian countries, especially in the not very developed ones. For example, it is widely known in North Korea, Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia. Over the past 10 years, the value of this currency has grown slightly. For example: in 2009, 10,000 yen cost 80 US dollars, and today 10,000 yen is 89.25 US dollars.
And although Japan is quite far away, storing money in yen is reasonable.
British pound
The United Kingdom can proudly declare that it has the oldest currency in the world, still having value in the global money market. This is the pound sterling (£).
The fact is that the British pound originates in the XII century. In the post-war period, its value decreased significantly several times, and only in the 1990s did it restore a stable exchange rate against the US dollar.
The British pound is an excellent option for those who are thinking about what currency to keep their savings in.
Swiss frank
He has an important history in European deals. Already in the First World War, it served as a currency. Since then, its exchange rate has only strengthened. In 1944, the US dollar was worth 5 francs, but today the rate is different: 1 franc is equal to 1.15 US dollars. This is a reliable option for storing accumulations.
Australian dollar
This is a relatively young currency, born in 1966 to replace the Australian pound, which for 57 years was the official currency of the country. Outside the Green Continent almost never occurs.
Canadian dollar
The Canadian dollar, like its northern neighbor, has an important market, especially in Central America and the Caribbean, as well as in Europe, but to a lesser extent. It has a value of 1 US dollar to 0.92 Canadian dollars.
Swedish krona
The importance of this currency is due to the role of Sweden as a global producer of steel and palladium (precious metal). It is also supported by a stable economy. The commercialization of this currency mainly takes place in Europe, in other parts of the Earth this currency is practically unknown.
Hong kong dollar
The importance of this currency is due to the role that Hong Kong plays in the international transit of ships.But keeping your savings in Hong Kong dollar is only worth it if you live directly in Hong Kong.
Norwegian Krone
As in the case of Sweden, the importance of this currency is due to the role of Norway as an exporter of oil and metals (mainly steel). But even within the EU, this currency is rare.