Pleasant surprises - it's so great! Imagine, for example, that from time to time you find money at home in the most unexpected places! Would you be delighted? Naturally! So the girl was happy when every time after visiting her dad she found banknotes in various corners of the apartment. Father just wanted to pamper his daughter, and in a very unusual way!
This is somehow strange ...
Finding a forgotten bill in your pocket or cash in the pages of a book can be a very pleasant moment. But what if you find money that you never forgot anywhere in a day or a week in random places? Wouldn't that surprise you? So the girl usually found $ 20 banknotes hidden in the corners of her house every time her father visited her.
The girl understood everything. And I began to photograph his surprises. And send dad pictures with comments. She just wanted to receive warm answers from him. And express gratitude for such unexpected gifts. Below are screenshots of her messages with photos of the places where her father put the money.
"Sometimes my dad leaves money in the most unexpected places."
“He never tells me that he did it. Left $ 20 in my bag. ”
“Magic cards?”
“You would not find a better place.”
“What a wonderful guitar fretboard.”
"I found money even in my colors."
“He raised five children alone when my mother was sick. Now both we and his grandchildren are his whole world. He is the best dad, ”says the girl. Dad doesn’t forget about any of the children, as you see.
As soon as she posted this, the post became viral, and many other users commented on it with stories about how their dads never did something like that, and instead they asked for money from their mothers. “My father never paid a dime, he didn’t help my mother educate us, but I wanted to seem like an authoritative figure. It's funny now. Or sad? ”One person wrote, and another added:“ My dad died shortly before Christmas, and we hadn’t talked for almost two years before. Never appreciated him until he left. Hold your dad for me. ” Yes ... Love your parents, because they love you anyway ...