
From the experience of experts: industry podcasts, group chats, niche groups in social networks and other ways will let you keep abreast of all the latest in your area of ​​business

It is important for every entrepreneur to keep abreast of the latest trends in his industry. There are many ways to do this, from searching the web for news articles and ending with listening to podcasts. To determine the best approach, the members of the Council of Young Entrepreneurs were asked the following question.

Entrepreneurs often seek out information and share it with others. What method of searching for important information in your field of activity do you prefer to use?

Listening to Podcasts in Your Field

“I prefer to listen to podcasts related to my professional industry. The audio format allows you to learn while doing other things. Thanks to this format, it is easy for me to stay up to date with the latest trends in my industry and at the same time do other things. I find a podcast with a lot of guests to be able to hear a lot of different opinions on a particular topic, ”said John Turner, SeedProd LLC.

Search for information in electronic correspondence

“Emails are a great way to get an idea of ​​new developments in your area. In addition, I found that the most important conversations in my industry are made possible by the presence of mutual friends, investors, colleagues, ”Kyle Wiggins, Keteka.

Reading articles from multiple sources

“I read more than 10 articles a day on various topics that I want to know more about. I try to draw information on each topic from various sources. Thus, I read about 50 articles a day. Reading is the best and fastest way to learn what I'm interested in. ”- Ben Walker, Transcription Outsourcing, LLC

Participation in niche social networking groups

“The best way to obtain and provide information to others is through groups in niche (closed, narrowly targeted) social networks. This is a great place to establish working contacts, exchange ideas and find information about new developments in your industry. ”- Blair Thomas, eMerchantBroker

Continuous training in their field of activity

“I stay up to date with the trends and latest news in my field of activity due to the fact that I am an eternal student in it. Every day I take the time to read messages on the Medium resource, watch videos on YouTube or read the blogs of people who do interesting work. It makes me learn and grow from a professional point of view. I constantly feel young when everything is new and interesting for me. ”- Christine Neil, Markon Brands

Track interesting posts on Feedly news aggregator

“I am interested in many fields of activity, from website optimization for search engines (SEO) to business and motorcycles, and I read online publications of reputable publications daily. I use the Feedly resource, which distributes articles on different topics. Of these topics, I am primarily interested in SEO, motorcycles, business. I choose the main news in each of these topics at the moment, if I wish, I can read other news as well, ”- Ron Liebeck, ContentMender.

Subscribe to industry group publications

“Participation in industry groups can be very useful. For example, a local college of lawyers offers to take part in numerous online events and subscribe to monthly magazines that cover various events in our industry.Reading a monthly magazine helps me stay up to date with the latest news in my industry and determine future market trends. ”- Matthew Podolsky, Florida Law Advisers, P.A.

Discussing various issues with other people

I joined the entrepreneurial community to find out about the most important issues in my area. I did this because I do not have the patience to read many different studies. It’s easier for me to listen to someone’s personal experience before I study literature. I trust the people in this community and I’m comfortable with the culture of communication in the group, ”- Vladimir Gendelman, Company Folders, Inc.

Participation in specialized events

“Usually I like to personally discuss with people the news in our field of activity. I find it useful to pay attention to events in our industry and discuss them in a personal conversation, ”- David Hanzel, LTVPlus.

Chat in different groups

I am interested in various areas of business. Some of them intersect with others, while others occupy a specific niche. In order to stay up to date with events in all these areas, I participate in group chats on various platforms. One of these groups uses the iMessage instant messenger for conversation, the other uses the Slack messenger, and the other uses the Skype group, ”said Bryce Welker, Beat The CPA.

Visiting sites for entrepreneurs

“One of the best ways to find important information for entrepreneurs is to read news on sites that are designed specifically for them. The four most common sites are Mashable, Inc., BusinessWeek, and Forbes. Resource Inc is focused on practical information for entrepreneurs, the Mashable site is an excellent source of news in the field of technology, and Forbes and BusinessWeek are interesting with objective comments, ”- Andrew Schrage, Money Crashers Personal Finance.

Search for experts in your field and read their articles

“I always follow the latest and most significant events in the field of marketing and advertising, which are constantly changing. This means that I follow my favorite and trustworthy experts through email subscriptions and news feeds on social networks (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn), as well as blogs. I also follow reputable groups in my industry to stay up to date with the latest and greatest news, trends, tips and events, ”said Angela Delmedico, Elev8 Consulting Group.

Organization of real meetings with people

“The best way to follow the latest news in your industry is to meet with a cup of coffee or at various events with other people interested in the same field of activity as you. We are engaged in international taxation, and in our industry, discussion of tax issues is always a fun and exciting process. Experts in our field of activity always want to share their point of view on certain problems, ”- Vincenzo Villamena, Online Taxman.

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