Large telecom operators are waging a real war for customers. And the latter is only at hand. Use simple tips for building a saving strategy on your cell phone. Learn how not to miss a profit.
According to the latest statistics from the Australian Bureau of Statistics, total telecommunications spending has fallen by almost 20 percent over the past decade. However, the costs of private end-user services are rising.
According to experts, many consumers seek to change the phone model to a more modern one. So the cost of smartphones in recent years has grown by 81% from $ 359 in 2015 to $ 651 in 2018.
It is also quite rare for consumers to think about whether its old tariff is beneficial. According to surveys, only 7% of buyers of new phones change the tariff plan, and 62% do not plan to do this in the next six months.
Considering that the number of connected subscribers in the family is growing, it turns out that a decent part of the total budget is spent on communication services. Fortunately, there are useful tips to reduce costs while remaining “within reach”.
New or old gadget
The first of the temptations is updating the phone every few years. According to the polls of the website, most users know that their old handsets still satisfy their needs, but at the same time they are buying a new device model.
Previously, the phone had to be changed due to the progressive development of technology. Now the devices are not updated so significantly, which means that buying them once a year is not necessary.
It is said that the buyer is mostly expensive top models, but in the middle price segment there are enough quality alternatives at a more attractive price. Just think, you can save from 30% to 50% of the price only by choosing a simpler model that is not advertised on TV.
Another option for those accustomed to counting money is refurbished gadgets. You just need to find a trusted company selling the devices and clarify the warranty (better if it is for 12 months).
In practice, the most common reason for replacing the device is a decrease in battery life. Perhaps you should take a closer look at replacing the battery and not overpay for the whole new phone?
Bonuses and discounts
Often, buying a phone can become more profitable by participating in the bonus program. Many networks have various promotional codes that also give an impressive discount. The network has entire portals that collect information about different promotions and share them with users.
However, you need to be careful. Some cunning marketing services share a favorable discount in exchange for a purchase of a certain amount. Whether it is necessary to use such an offer is up to you.
Tariff plan
Connecting to a service provider is also an item for saving. It is not necessary to choose a connection from the operator of the Big Three, you can look at smaller companies. Rates are more profitable for them. Any modern person can access tariff information. There is plenty of data on the Internet. A solid and self-respecting business necessarily carries out positioning itself in the digital space.
Many users who pay attention to the cost of the phone fall into the trap of choosing the wrong tariff. The more adaptive the tariff plan to your rhythm and lifestyle, the greater the savings you will get in the end. As a rule, an unreasonable love for a tariff or operator is unprofitable.
Pay attention to the availability of bonus packages and loyalty programs of your operators. Proper use of special offers will reduce the bill for communication services by up to 20% per month.
Paid services, international roaming, Internet conditions, unnecessary options: pay attention to everything for which the company will charge you. Do you need such a service?
Data management
The new market that mobile phone operators are fighting for is the data market. It is now difficult to imagine a cell phone without instant access to any service on the World Wide Web. The consumption of traffic from phones is becoming more and more.
A modern smartphone uses an average of 5 GB per month. Although more active users can spend a lot more traffic. The best option for digital fans is to connect an unlimited tariff for network access. The beauty of the tariff without restrictions is that you do not need to calculate megabytes and think about the fact that there are established limits. Just paid a monthly fee and enjoy unlimited access to electronic entertainment and data.
In this case, you need to clarify the cost of the unlimited tariff. If it is too high, it is worth looking for more adequate offers from market competitors.
Family Rates
Another way to save on the services of teleoperators is to connect family rates. There are many options here: using the Internet for general traffic, preferential or free calls within the group, collective discounts for achieving goals, and much more.
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