Some people believe that for the fulfillment of their desires, it is enough to just think about their path to success. They mistakenly believe that if you just dream about something, then their desires will come true. However, life is not some kind of magical trick. It is unlikely that a starving child in Africa will have enough to think about a serving of food so that it appears in front of him. The law of attraction will not work here. What is needed is more than a simple idea of the desired result.
There are several rules for using the law of attraction. Only by observing them will you be able to achieve your desires and goals.
Why is it important to go for a dream?
When we are told “Follow your dream”, we usually do not attach much importance to this. You continue life every day, coming to an unloved job, forgetting about what you always wanted. Every morning you wake up with the thought of when this day will end. It is not right. To make your life worthy, you definitely need to focus on fulfilling your dreams. When you are motivated by your desires, you will attract people with the same goals and priorities that you have in your life. The more you achieve on the way to your dream, the further you can go. Difficult times may come at some point, but your new environment will help you not to give up and go further towards your goal. Remember, no one except you will help you achieve your dreams.
Get inspired by new challenges
Your decision to fulfill your dreams can give hope to people who also want to change their lives. Perhaps the reason for the change was another person. Someone inspired by books and blogs, someone taught a neighbor a positive mindset. After all, if you can become an example for someone, it will only inspire you more to new achievements.
Many say that they do not have a secret dream. But such a life is depressing. Therefore, look for something that would give you strength to go on and get better. As soon as you embark on the path to achieving your own goal, you will notice obvious positive changes in your own life.
Think in the direction of a dream
What happens if you take a small stone and throw it into a pond? As soon as it touches the water, ripples and waves will appear on its surface. They will spread around the place where the pebble fell and reach right up to the coastline, where, finally, they will not be stopped. Moreover, the larger the stone you throw, the greater the ripples from it and the higher the wave. If you simultaneously throw two stones of comparable size and weight, you will get two series of ripples, which ultimately merge with each other. During the connection of the two waves, it seems that they overcome the resistance of each other. But if one set of waves turns out to be larger than the other, then it will sweep through the smaller set and create after it waves of smaller amplitude.
The same analogy can be given in relation to one's own thought processes and mental impulses of a person. Imagine that you have two stones in each hand. One represents failure, the other - success. The weight of each is proportional to the number of thoughts that you give it. You have to evaluate how heavy each of the stones is. If the stone of failure has more weight, then the ripples from it will simply absorb the waves created by the stone of success. If the success stone turns out to be heavier, then it will prevail in this confrontation. If you want the law of attraction to work as it should, you need to focus your thoughts on successfully achieving your dreams.If you focus on the fear of failure, then most likely nothing will work.
To achieve the fulfillment of your cherished desires, you need to clearly understand what you want. In this regard, we have something to learn from children. If a child needs a brown tiger cub in a red sweater, he will not be content with a yellow tiger in a pink shirt. He will demand until he receives what he wants. And, as a rule, they always find a way to get it. Sometimes adults are very annoying. Of course, it does not always make sense to be as demanding on trifles, but, on the other hand, such behavior will teach the child to get his own way.
If you want to make the law of attraction work, you need to determine the specific object of your desires. Describe the desired information in as much detail as possible and always keep nearby. After you do this, it is worth starting to take measures to realize your dream.
Many people mistakenly believe that the law of attraction can work independently. They believe that to succeed, it’s enough to use positive thinking. However, thinking alone is not enough. You need to motivate yourself to specific actions. All your thoughts, feelings and actions are like a three-legged chair. Positive thinking is an important component of success, but only if you think of it as one of the three legs that strengthen your position. But if you do not want to lose balance, you must take care of each of the pillars.
To make the law of attraction work for you, you need to focus on aligning your thoughts, feelings and actions. Your thoughts should correspond to your actions, and actions in turn will affect feelings. If you feel good, it will strengthen your thinking and help revise your own beliefs. The result is a kind of feedback loop that ultimately helps you fulfill your goal.
Success in life depends not only on positive thinking. It is more justified by the correspondence between what you think, feel, and how to act. Only harmony in these three directions will help you keep from falling. If you want your dream to come true, you need to follow it, no matter what.
Probably today there is no such person who does not have a desire. But everyone has their own. Not all dreams come true if you just think about them. As a rule, to achieve the result you need to make a lot of effort. But it is worth noting that nothing is impossible. The most important thing is to have desire and perseverance. Only then everything will work out!
When I was little, I dreamed of a red car, imagined how I would drive around my hometown. From childhood, I always thought about my dream, and it came true. True, thoughts alone were not enough, I had to work hard. And now I drive a red car around my hometown and enjoy life. I managed!