It is believed that men are much stronger and more enduring women. This is due to the fact that men have greater muscle mass, as well as stronger bones and tendons. This feature of the skeleton is caused by the presence of testosterone in the male body. Testosterone is also present in the body of a woman, but in very small quantities. That is why most women athletes, in order to lift large weights, sit on anabolics and hormones.
Chinese strongwoman
However, the Chinese strongwoman breaks all the stereotypes about female power. Every day, she carries tons of cement on her shoulders. She does this not because of her love of strength training, but for the sake of her family, which she alone has to support.
Zhang Fang Fang is 28 years old, 3 of whom she has been carrying cement. There are two types of bags: 25 and 50 kg. At work, no one spares the girl: she has to endure both large and small weights.
Family tragedy
Previously, Zhang worked at a construction site with her husband: they were both loaders of cement. However, some time ago, her husband earned lung problems from constant cement dust, so he could no longer continue to work. The husband went on sick leave, and the girl had to work in two shifts in order to provide for her family and still find money for her husband's treatment.
Every morning, the girl got up at 6 a.m. to catch a construction site by half-past seven. The working day lasted 12 hours, and only God knew how many tons of cement the girl dragged in one shift.
Constitution girl
However, in appearance, Zhang can’t even say that she is so strong. Perhaps this is due to the peculiarities of the girl’s constitution, and perhaps the little Chinese women, in principle, cannot pump up, like women of other nationalities.
Be that as it may, Zhang is quite petite. perhaps her biceps are hiding under her clothes, but in no photographs that can be found on the Web does the girl appear in T-shirts with open hands.
New job
The video in which Zhang unloads a truck of cement quickly gained a lot of views. The girl had real admirers who on their pages on social networks shared a story about an unusual Chinese woman. Those who were especially interested even found Zhang on the Internet and were very surprised when they realized from the photographs that the girl no longer unloaded heavy bags of cement, but went into the food business and opened her own fruit shop. This business brings her good income, and neither the girl nor her husband intend to return to the construction site.
Criticism of Zhang
Immediately all the fans divided into two camps. Some wrote that in this way the girl decided to become famous and earn money. That, in fact, there was no talk of any construction: the husband looks very healthy and well-fed, and there were no references to working as a loader after the video was posted on the Web, and Zhang herself leaves no impression of such a strong woman.
Some even drew attention to the girl’s hair: supposedly cement dust in contact with sweat was supposed to turn Zhang’s hair into icicles, which are difficult to wash. And in all the photos the girl has quite good hair.
Others came to the conclusion that the girl’s popularity allowed her to earn enough money to start her own business. That she really had a hard time in life, and everyone should consider her an example of how people from laborers make their way to manage their own enterprises.
In any case, the persistence and strength of this unusual girl can only be envied.Even if she didn’t actually unload cement bags, Zhang figured out how to cause such an explosion of interest in her person and make money from it to open and develop her own business.