
Beautiful hair and smile: the habits of people who are great at the pictures

Photogenicity seems to be an innate quality. But in fact, everyone can have perfect photos. You just need to know a few secrets. To become a photogenic person, you should develop 8 useful habits in order to perfectly get on the pictures.

Find a nice background

A good background is 50% good photo. Landmark, nature, cityscape - any beautiful location attracts attention. This is a technique that bloggers use to make their photos stand out from others.

Be spontaneous

The harder you pose for the camera, the less natural the pictures. The face in the photograph appears to be stone, and the position of the body is unnatural. Photos are much better when they are taken without preliminary preparation, when you look natural.

Choose the right light

Light is an important part of a good photo. Someone looks better in the sun, someone in the shade, and someone with artificial lighting. That is, you need to shoot in appropriate conditions or adjust the light in the photo editor.

Know your perspective

The appearance of each person is individual. The face and figure look different from different angles. To look perfect on pictures, you have to find your own angle. This can be done experimentally by analyzing the available photos or by twisting in front of the mirror.

Make contact with the photographer

If you are shy about the photographer, you will not see good pictures. Better if close friends take pictures of you. If the shooting will be conducted by an outside photographer, you must first communicate with him and establish a trusting relationship.

Watch your hair

The hair in the picture should not be disheveled. But you don’t need to do any complicated hairstyle for the photo shoot either. Hair should look as neat and natural as possible.

Don't forget the smile

A smile is what makes a picture vibrant and positive. And it’s not necessary to smile at all 32 teeth. It is enough to slightly raise the corners of the lips to make the face look soft and attractive.

Add some details.

In order for the pictures to be beautiful and unlike others, you must add some specific details. Learn to work with props - flowers, cups, books, magazines and so on. This creates a special atmosphere.

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