A recent survey conducted by the Internet recruitment company, which occupies the 3rd place in the world in popularity, showed that about 70% of respondents understand the importance of written and spoken language for successful employment and job duties. It is curious that the most interested in competent spoken language and writing turned out to be employees of the services sector and professions related to word ownership, and not managers. The study also confirmed the assumption that competent job seekers are more likely to receive job offers and work in higher paying positions.
About 73% of respondents emphasize self-improvement of their native language skills: they read professional and fiction books, visit thematic resources on the Internet. Although 83% of respondents have never met in literacy interviews at interviews, in Russia there is a large IT organization that, when hiring, offers candidates to write a dictation or accepts a certificate obtained at the annual event to increase the level of population literacy.
In the age of digital technology and communication on the Internet, the ability to write correctly becomes an addition to the image and higher education, and also allows you to correctly and easily formulate your own thoughts, which is also important both in work and in everyday life. No matter how the opponents of literacy strive, they have not yet succeeded in proving the opposite from "Literacy is the key to success in modern society."
So, why is spelling so important?
1. Positive image of an employee
Ideally competent written and spoken language creates not only a pleasant impression, but also makes a positive contribution to the image of a successful professional. Therefore, all written works, official papers and documents, as well as letters, should not contain spelling, punctuation and stylistic flaws.
2. Literacy as the key to ease of communication
Correctly written texts without a single mistake contribute to effective communication, because understanding written with errors is very hard work.
3. Literacy contributes to career prospects
Even a hint of illiteracy can significantly reduce the likelihood of future employment. For example, the employer has several candidates with approximately the same level of qualification and work experience, but some of them make annoying spelling mistakes. It is easy to guess that a competent candidate will receive a job offer.
4. Literacy eliminates ambiguity and confusion.
The Russian language is replete with paronyms, synonyms, as well as words, the meaning of which varies from the accent, so spelling errors can entail serious shortcomings. Illiteracy is especially fraught with consequences for the work of politicians, journalists and doctors.
5. Compliance with the quality standards of the use of the Russian language
Compliance with the standards of the Russian language affects not only the personal and professional image of a person, but also how others will perceive him and how much his messages, instructions, requests or orders will be correctly interpreted by them.
6. Do not trust spell checking special programs
The algorithms of programs that check texts for compliance with spelling, punctuation and stylistics are improving day by day. However, their dictionaries are quite limited, so the correct words can be underlined as incorrect or skipped during the verification process.Moreover, if a word is spelled correctly in general, but does not correspond to this context, then it will not be perceived by the program as an error, which is fundamentally wrong.
7. Literacy affects understanding
In ordinary life, people read not only professional and fiction, but also all kinds of instructions. And from their correct understanding depends on how efficiently the machinery or equipment will be operated. Agree that it’s quite difficult to be sure of mastering a new technique if the instructions contain a lot of obscure and misspelled words?
8. Illiteracy diverts attention and distracts from the perception of meaning.
When writing written messages and documents, it is important to monitor the correct presentation of thoughts and spelling, because the inconsistency and inconsistency of the narrative, together with general illiteracy, are very annoying, as well as scatter attention and affect the perception of the general meaning of the message.
After analyzing the many causes of failure, we can confidently say that literacy is not a priority motive. The employer often draws attention to the candidate’s ability to get along with the team and work in a team, his education and experience, as well as his communication style. But illiteracy can play a cruel joke with a candidate. Especially when the literacy level of the entire team is quite high and, as you know, people with approximately the same level of culture should be selected for teamwork.
Illiteracy will unambiguously cause a refusal of employment for a corrector, journalist or teacher. However, there were precedents when some talented journalists were hired by the proofreader.