
In the Polish village, they have been waiting for the birth of a boy for 10 years and are even ready to give an award

What anomalies do not happen in life! It turns out that not only the Russian city of Ivanovo has an excess of fair sex. A group of correspondents, learning about a very interesting and rare phenomenon, specially traveled to Poland to study and find out details about this amazing event.

Anomaly in a Polish village

They became interested in this event for the first time after a team consisting of only girls arrived at the competition between young fire brigades. It was then that it became clear that in the region of their residence, where they came from, over the past ten years not a single boy was born. To investigate this amazing phenomenon and identify its causes, the media sent correspondents.

The mayor of this small village could not comment on why such a situation is happening in the Polish village. The village of Meishche Odzhansky is very small, consisting of only 96 houses. The mayor of the commune, which includes the village, Mr. Tsishek, could only confirm already known facts without any explanation. According to his comic words, the local authorities are well aware of this situation and they are periodically called to give advice to the villagers on how to conceive a boy.

Most recently, he had a consultation with a very famous Polish doctor who is now retired. The doctor advised the inhabitants of the village to have a special diet rich in calcium for giving birth to a boy. If such measures do not help, then there remains the only proven method that the Polish highlanders used in ancient times. The essence of the method is to put an ax under the matrimonial bed at night. Of course, in the modern world such methods do not work, and advice is most likely perceived as a joke or folklore related to omens.

But if you nevertheless return to statistics and take the jokes aside, then there remains a fact: over the past 10 years, 12 children were born in this sparsely populated provincial corner of Poland, all of them girls. No one knows, neither residents, nor doctors, nor even experts, why this happens, but the facts remain facts.

Remuneration from the mayor for the birth of a male baby

According to the mayor, the anomalous phenomenon that occurs in their village has received wide publicity. To correct the situation and motivate women to give birth, he said that he would reward the couple who would first give birth to a male baby.

The award will consist of several parts:

  1. Renaming a street in honor of a newborn baby.
  2. Cash reward.
  3. Planting an oak tree that will keep the memory of this anomaly for posterity.

The main condition is that the child is born in this village and later becomes its resident.

Life of residents in Meishcha Odzhansky

Basically, all local residents are engaged in agricultural work. Naturally, they are worried about what will happen to their village in the future if men gradually "die out like dinosaurs." Indeed, who will carry out heavy men's work in the village: mowing hay, hauling heavy bales, chopping wood, harvesting in the fields and gardens?

Currently, due to the lack of a stronger sex, girls have to work in the field. Even yesterday's girls have to drive tractors, harvesting equipment and engage in other overwhelming men's work.

Life in the village is difficult: there are no schools, shops, dry cleaners and other benefits of civilization, not to mention entertainment centers, cinemas, clubs, bars and restaurants. There is not even a small cafe in the village and not a single grocery store at all.

Youth fire brigade consisting of girls

However, here there is a pride - a fire brigade, or rather, a young team. As already understood from the meaning of the article, it also consists of girls alone. In total, 24 women and 8 men work in the fire department, plus a team of volunteers consisting of girls and girls.

Although there are no men in their team, this does not prevent them from participating in competitions and even taking prizes. The volunteer team already has more than a dozen medals and gold cups.

The girls are not very upset that there are no guys in their team. In their opinion, they are so calmer, as the boys are always noisy, joking and mostly naughty.

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