Any modern company has its own resource in the global network. To successfully exist, you need to look for customers everywhere and attract them with all kinds of delicious “goodies”. Otherwise, people will not understand why they should buy a product or service in this company. However, SEO marketing is not as simple as it sounds.
It is not enough to post a few words about the company and the product on the site. Moreover, if these same words will repeat the text of some competitor, then Google or Yandex may ban such content and all efforts will be nullified.
So, let's look at the five main mistakes of any SEO manager who promotes his organization on the Internet.
Mistake No. 1. Product Description of the Same Type
When advertising a product or service, it is better to avoid its boring description, which the client can find on any resource. In addition, all other firms use the same scheme, and being the same as everyone is not very profitable.
This example is boring and does not allow to stand out from the crowd of competitors. And the almighty Google “does not like” when the same text is repeated on its open spaces. Think creatively, write a variety of texts and do not repeat the phrases of competitors.
Mistake number 2. Duplicate content
Here is an example of phrases to exclude:
- "Money back guarantee";
- “We offer only the best products and services”;
- "We have the lowest prices".
These and similar phrases are considered duplicate content. Moreover, if the descriptions of each product contain similar fragments, then this also will not bring anything good.
Therefore, any self-respecting SEO manager must make sure that each product has its own unique description, unlike anything else.
Mistake # 3. Using boring terminology
It’s important for the SEO manager to learn industry jargon and think about his product like a regular consumer. It’s worth exploring sites where people write real product reviews. Such a technique can help you choose the right words to describe the products that customers would like to see on the organization’s page.
Mistake No. 4. Keywords abuse
Yes, search engines “love” the basic set of keywords and phrases. However, a site for promoting goods and services is a Thanksgiving turkey. In other words, if keywords are used four to five times when describing a product, then this will not lead to a massive flow of real customers. But Google may well ban and knock down a website with a couple of bindings.
Mistake No. 5. Application of generalized phrases
Each SEO manager needs to make sure that the keywords are present in the optimal amount, but they are not too generalized. This is especially true if the firm operates in an industry with many competitors, as some of them are likely to use the same keywords in their product descriptions.
You need to look a little further and, for example, add the names of brands where they are appropriate. It’s also worth adding quality qualifiers to your keywords. Thus, you can significantly promote your site and make it one of the first to be issued upon request.
Keep these five SEO bans in mind when creating product descriptions. Good luck