Despite the rapid development of feminism, gender equality has not yet been achieved. Around the world there is a gap in the salaries of men and women. Russia was no exception in this matter. Our compatriots, who work alongside men, still earn less.
Why it happens?
Last year, women were paid on average 26% less than their male counterparts. This situation is observed not only in our country, but throughout the world. In fairness, it is worth noting that every year the gap is narrowing. However, it can completely disappear only by 2133.
The main reason for such an unfair distribution of funds in the labor market is that women are often busy with having children and other family responsibilities. However, these are not the only reasons. Also, lower wages are affected by marriage bonds and work in low-paid jobs. Let's talk about this in more detail.
Birth of children
Historically, women are engaged not only in bearing and giving birth to children, but also in their subsequent upbringing in the preschool period. Despite the fact that legislation provides for the possibility of maternity leave for men, traditionally these responsibilities are performed by women. However, this goes to them sideways when it comes to the decree.
With age, the wage gap only widens. If up to thirty years it is about twenty percent, then after thirty it increases by another ten.
Because of the need to raise a child and give him enough attention, many women are willing to sacrifice their own careers. For this reason, they choose a part-time or shorter week, which reduces their salary and widens the gap with men.
Marriage bond
It is curious that even the marital status of a woman affects the difference in salary. If she is single and has never been married, she earns only ten percent less than men.
If a woman formalized her relationship with a partner, the pay gap could widen to thirty percent. Note that this has nothing to do with having children.
The distribution of social roles within the family is likely to result in low wages. It is possible that the newlyweds decide to assign the role of the earner of the family to the man. For this reason, a woman chooses dusty work with low pay or does not work at all.
Low paying job
It is curious that, according to statistics, women have a higher level of education, but they earn less than men. The higher the qualifications, the greater the gap in the level of wages.
If a man has a higher education, he will earn almost thirty percent more than a woman.
This curious fact is explained by the fact that women often work in those industries where they pay less, but at the same time require higher education. This applies to health care, education, and other social services.
It all depends on the profession
I must say, the difference in salary levels depends on the field of activity. The minimum gap is observed when performing skilled labor. For example, in fish farming and agriculture. The difference is about five percent in favor of men.
In other sectors, the situation for women is somewhat worse. Women earn thirty percent less in services and trade, as well as in the production of machine plants.In construction, transport and documentation, women are paid an average of twenty percent less.
An impressive gap in pay for female and male labor is also observed in leadership positions. Specialists attribute this to the fact that women often combine careers with family responsibilities. Male leaders, on the contrary, are even ready to spend personal time on work.
The greatest difference in pay is observed among graduates of technical schools and colleges. Men earn forty percent more than their female counterparts.
Interview Discrimination
The Labor Code in Russia prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex. However, in practice, employers easily circumvent this limitation, as they never give the true reason for the refusal of employment.
It is often more difficult for women to get interviews for certain positions compared to men. Almost in the first place, a potential employer asks about marital status, and women who are recently married are often refused. This is due to the fact that they can soon go on maternity leave. It is curious that applicants who already have children do not receive job offers either.
Some large companies use artificial intelligence, which selects potential candidates. He was taught to perceive the word “woman”, indicated in the resume, as a flaw.
Women do not value themselves
It is curious that women at the interview express lower salary expectations than men. Statistics confirm the fact that women agree to lower pay, receiving less pay for their work. As a rule, this is ten to twenty percent.
Women rarely ask management to review pay levels. Only one out of eight employees decides on this. Among men, statistics are higher. As a rule, every second wants to get more for their work. Perhaps it is persistence and the inherent high self-esteem of men that they earn more.